Ankle arthrodesis


Definition/Description(edit|edit source]

Ankle arthrodesis, also commonly referred to as joint fusion, is a surgical procedure which fuses the bones that form the ankle joint, essentially eliminating the joint. Ankle arthrodesis has remained the gold standard treatment for symptomatic primary, secondary and posttraumatic ankle arthritis[1](2]

Indication for Procedure(edit|edit source]


Following indications could make patients suitable to an ankle arthrodesis(2](4]:

  • Posttraumatic and primary Arthrosis
  • Neuromuscular deformity
  • Revision of Failed Ankle Arthrodesis
  • 全踝关节置换失败
  • Avascular Necrosis of theTalus (requiring tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis)
  • Neuroarthropathy (Charcot)
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis with severe deformity
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pseudarthrosis

Ankle Arthrodesis should not be used if following conditions are present(2](4]:

  • Severe vascular deficiency
  • Osteomyelitis or soft tissue infection
  • Acute purulent infection
  • Total avascular necrosis of the talus
  • Severe peripheral arterial occlusive disease

Physical Therapy Management(edit|edit source]


Relevant information the post-operative procession(3](6]:

  • Immediately after the surgery, the patient will receive a wide cast covererd by a gauze dressing. Occasionally the cast needs to be decompressed, since post-operative swelling of the ankle may occure.
  • Patient will be prescribed three days of bed rest.
  • The initial cast is changed to a second cast at two weeks postoperative.
  • After 2 months the initial cast is replaced by a weightbearing one and x-rays are taken. This implicates that weightbearing is not allowed for at least two months after operation. Only about 11 week after the operation full ankle loading is approached.
  • Over a period of approximately 3 months patient will use crutches, in order to ease the ankle in its weightbearing.
  • 在三到四个月时,将转换为可移动的步行者靴,并卸下销钉/螺钉。
  • It will take about four months in order to make transition to a shoe.

Based on a guideline provided by the Balance Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Center of Long Beach, physical therapy approach after ankle arhtrodesis will emphasize maximizing residual motion, strengthening the lower extremity, and in the later phases of physical therapy, emphasis will be placed on developing maximum smoothness of walking (gait). The guideline suggest to start with isometric excercises as soon as possible, on the day of the surgery.

参考(edit|edit source]

  1. Charles L. Saltzman等。恒星总踝关节置换与踝关节融合的前瞻性对照试验:初始结果。[互联网]。脚和脚踝国际/卷。30,第7号/2009年7月。可从:结论:1个证据:b
  2. Espinosa, et al. Treatment of ankle osteoarthritis: arthrodesis versus total
ankle replacement. [Internet]. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 2010 November 13. Available from: conclusion : 1B
Level of evidence: B
  3. Polsdorfer等。脚和脚踝手术的关节固定术。[Internet] USC 2011的医生。可从: conclusion : 3B
Level of evidence: D
  4. D等。踝关节固定固定系统。[互联网]。Stryker Trauma GmbH2009。可从: conclusion : 3B
Level of evidence: D
  5. Tallia AF, et al. Diagnostic and therapeutic injection of the ankle and foot. [Internet]. Am Fam Physician, 68(7):1356–62 ; 2003 Oktober. Available from : conclusion : 2B
Level of evidence: C
  6. Ronald W. Smith, et al. SUBTALAR ARTHRODESIS POST-OPERATIVE GUIDELINES. [Internet]. Balance Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Center, Long Beach. Available from : conclusion : 5
Level of evidence : D