The Lyon Antikyphosis Brace

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The Lyons brace initially used for the thoracic infantile rachitic scoliosis is now adapted to the thoraco-lumbar and lumbar curves. The brace is:
- Adjustable on seven centimeters of growth, it’s efficient. We do not need to change the brace every six months.
- Active: Because of rigidity of the plexidur structure, the child is stimulated. The active axial auto correction decreases the pres- sures
- Disc decompression: It is the consequence of the “Adjustable”. The effect of extension between the two pelvic and scapular girdles decreases the pressure on the intervertebral disc and allows a better effectiveness of the pushes.
- Symmetrical: In addition to the esthetic aspect, the brace is much easier to build.
- Stable: The stability of both shoulder and pelvic girdles facili- tates the intermediate corrections.
- Transparent: Usually, it is not necessary to use the “pads”, we can thus control directly on the skin the pushes, stops, drives and reliefs.[1]

  1. Reference Manual for the Lyon Scoliosis Brace - JC de Mauroy, C Lecante pp. 1977