User:Courtney Ahlers

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I am currently a physical therapy student at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. I am sceduled to graduate in December 2013. Prior to entering the doctoral graduate program, I was an Exercise Science major at Bellarmine University.

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Name[edit|edit source]

Courtney Ahlers

About Me
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After rupturing my ACL and meniscus during a volleyball game in high school, I had my first long term experience with physical therapy in 2007. It was during my time in physical therapy that I developed an interest in the profession and considered it to be a possible career path. I enrolled at Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY for my Exercise Science undergraduate degree in the hope that I would be accepted into the early entry doctoral physical therapy program at Bellarmine. Having been accepted, I am currently in my first semester out of eight. I am scheduled to graduate from Bellarmine's physical therapy program in December of 2013. I am most interested in orthopedics, however, I am open to other areas of practice. I am highlylooking forward to the knowledge and experience that these next few years will provide.

Education[edit|edit source]

physical therapy student at Bellarmine University

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