


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==简介==[[文件:跟腱病变伴撕裂。jpeg|拇指|跟腱病变伴撕裂]]跟腱病变[[肌腱病变]](常见的[[过度使用损伤-个别化方法|过度使用损伤]])是指通常由于过度使用和对跟腱的过度慢性压力而影响[[跟腱|跟腱]]的病理变化的组合。这在运动员和非运动员身上都可以看到。它可能与跟腱断裂有关,也可能与跟腱撕裂无关。缺乏柔韧性或跟腱僵硬会增加这些损伤的风险。Clain MR, Baxter DE. [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/107110079201300810跟腱炎]。脚和脚踝。1992年10月,13(8):482 - 7。手术标本显示受累肌腱的一系列退行性改变,例如肌腱纤维结构和排列;糖胺聚糖(一种能容纳自身重量近1000倍的水结合分子)的增加可能解释了肌腱的肿胀。Schubert TE, Weidler C, Lerch K, Hofstädter F, Straub RH。[https://ard.bmj.com/content/64/7/1083.short跟腱病与P物质阳性神经纤维的萌发有关]。 Annals of the rheumatic diseases. 2005 Jul 1;64(7):1083-6. Very well health The Health Benefits of Glycosaminoglycans Available: https://www.verywellhealth.com/glycosaminoglycans-5092414 (accessed 11.6.2022)  The precise cause of tendonitis remains unclear. Even though tendonitis of the Achilles tendon is often connected to sports activities, the ailment is also often found in people who do not practice sports. The biggest cause is the excessive overburdening of the tendon. A light degeneration of the Achilles tendon can be latently present, but the [[Pain Assessment|pain]] only appears when the tendon is overburdened. It is also noted that the ailment is usually not preceded by traumaWilson JJ, Best TM. [https://www.aafp.org/afp/2005/0901/p811.html Common overuse tendon problems: a review and recommendations for treatment]. American family physician. 2005 Sep 1;72(5):811-8. Paavola M, Kannus P, Järvinen TA, Khan K, Józsa L, Järvinen M. [https://journals.lww.com/jbjsjournal/Fulltext/2002/11000/Achilles_Tendinopathy.25.aspx Achilles tendinopathy]. JBJS. 2002 Nov 1;84(11):2062-76. .

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