


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==定义/描述==[[文件:Vertigo.jpeg|右|无框架]]良性阵发性位置性眩晕(Benign paroxyal Positional Vertigo, BPPV)是引起[[眩晕]]的最常见原因,是该病症的一种症状Shim, D. B., Song, C. E., Jung, E. J., Ko, K. M., Park, J. W., &;宋明辉(2014)。多发半规管同时受累的良性阵发性位置性眩晕。听力学杂志,18(3),126。doi: 10.7874 / kja.2014.18.3.126 < / ref >。虽然尚未完全了解,但BPPV被认为是由于耳膜(碳酸钙的小晶体)从内耳黄斑()位移到充满液体的半规管引起的。这些半圆形管道对重力敏感,头部位置的变化可能是BPPV的触发因素Ogun OA, Janky KL, Cohn ES, b ki B, Lundberg YW。良性阵发性位置性眩晕的性别合并症。PLoS ONE。2014; 9(9)。doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone.0105546。< / ref >。 The posterior canal is the most commonly affected site, but the superior and horizontal canals can be affected as wellTimothy C. Hain, MD, BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO, site: http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/bppv/bppv.html , Page last modified: February 3, 2013. It should be noted that the superior canal is sometimes also referred to as the anterior canal and the horizontal canal is sometimes referred to as lateral canal.
The peripheral vestibular labyrinth contains sensory receptors in the form of ciliated hairs in the three semicircular canals and in the ear’s otolithic organs. They respond to movement and relay signals via the eighth cranial nerve. Visual perception such as gravity, position, and movements also receive signals from somatosensory receptors in the peripheral vestibules. With the displacement of the otoconia into the semicircular canals, these delicate feedback loops relay conflicting signals that can result in any symptom related to BPPVSonia Sandhaus, Stop the spinning: Diagnosing and managing vertigo. Nurse Practitioner. 2002 Aug 1;27(8): 11-23..
BPPV can be classified as cupulolithiasis and canalithiasis. Cupulolithiasis is when the otoconia are adhered to the cupula, whilst canalithiasis is when the otoconia are free floating in the canal. Additionally, the type of nystagmus that a patient may display can be classified as geotropic or apogeotropic. Geotropic describes the nystagmus as a horizontal beat towards the ground. Apogeotropic describes the nystagmus as a horizontal beat towards the ceilingMaia FZE. New treatment strategy for apogeotropic horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Audiology Research. 2016;6(2). doi:10.4081/audiores.2016.163..

{{#ev:youtube|1AfvNsaQnTE|}} UPMC. What Is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo? . Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AfvNsaQnTE [last accessed 26/8/2022]

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