


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:锁骨也被称为锁骨,是一根S型长骨Hyland, S and Varacallo, M.解剖学,肩和上肢,锁骨。可从https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329717390_Anatomy_Shoulder_and_Upper_Limb_Clavicle获取2020年7月20日访问构成肩膀的前部。它位于肩胛骨和胸骨之间。一个人有两个锁骨,一个在右边,一个在左边。它是身体中唯一一根水平躺着的长骨。===关节===由于锁骨的结构,只能发现两种平面腹泻关节。这种类型的关节也被称为“双平面关节”——两个关节腔被一层关节软骨分开。[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Acromioclavicular_Joint肩锁关节]:锁骨和肩胛骨之间的关节。 [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Sternoclavicular_Joint胸锁关节]:锁骨和柄骨之间的关节。The Essential Anatomy 5 App[手机应用软件]。(版本5.0.8)。 3D4Medical (2019). Accessed 20 July 2020 === Acromioclavicular Joint (Articulatio acromioclavicularis) === This is articulation between the acromial end of the clavicle and the acromion of the scapula. It enables slight gliding movement about the shoulder region. It is a synovial joint surrounded by a capsule of articular cartilage filled with intra-articular synovium. === Sternoclavicular Joint (Articulatio sternoclavicularis) === This is the articulation between the sternal end of the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum. This synovial joint is important as it attaches the clavicle and scapula to the axial skeleton. The joint enables a variety of limited movements of the arm, including: * Protraction and retraction * Elevation and depression * Axial rotation === Muscle attachments === A total of five muscles are attached to the clavicle, found distributed at either the lateral third or medial two thirds of the bone. Two muscles are attached to the lateral third of the clavicle: * The [[trapezius]] muscle, which is attached along the posterior surface of the lateral third of the clavicle. * The [[deltoid]] muscle, where the anterior portion of the muscle is attached to the periosteum at the anterior surface of the bone. Three muscles are attached to the medial third of the clavicle: * The [[sternocleidomastoid]] muscle, clavicular head of the muscle attaches to the medial third of the clavicle. * The [[pectoralis major]] muscle, which is attached to the anterior surface of the bone. * The subclavius muscle, which is attached to a groove found in the middle of the bone’s inferior surface. From there, the muscle extends into both lateral and medial areas of the clavicle.Kenhub. Clavicle. Available from: https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/the-clavicle (Accessed 26 July 2020) It's action is to draw the clavicle downwards and forward

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