


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==介绍==[[文件:Body Builder.jpg|右|无框|512x512px]]许多声称能提高运动成绩的健身辅助工具被业余和专业运动员使用。据报道,大约50%的普通人群服用某种形式的膳食补充剂,而在某些运动项目中,76%至100%的运动员服用补充剂。成绩增强药物(PEDs)是运动员和非运动员举重运动员用来提高成绩的药物[参考文献]Pope Jr HG, Wood RI, Rogol A, Nyberg F, Bowers L, Bhasin S.成绩增强药物对健康的不良影响:内分泌学会的科学声明。内分泌检查。2014年6月1日;35(3):341-75。医生可以通过检查四个因素(作用方法,现有研究,副作用,合法性)来评估这些产品,这将有助于他们为患者提供建议。常见的促肌力辅助物包括*[[合成代谢类固醇对生理过程和运动的影响]],它能增加[[肌肉]]的质量。这些非法补品会带来一些严重的副作用,有些是不可逆的。它们是最古老的滥用药物之一,因此,对它们的影响进行了最广泛的研究。当与运动训练相结合时,AASs可以增加肌肉质量和力量,减少脂肪La Gerche A, Brosnan MJ。 Cardiovascular effects of performance-enhancing drugs. Circulation. 2017 Jan 3;135(1):89-99. . * [[Creatine and Exercise|Creatine]] modestly improves athletic performance and appears to be relatively safe. * Dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione do not improve athletic performance but apparently have similar adverse effects as testosterone and are also banned by some sports organizations. * [[Caffeine and Exercise|Caffeine]] has mild benefits and side effects and is banned above certain levels. Products that combine caffeine with other stimulants (e.g., ephedrine) have been linked to fatal events. * [[Exercise and Protein Supplements|Protein and carbohydrate]] supplementation provides modest benefits with no major adverse effectsAhrendt DM. Ergogenic aids: counseling the athlete. American Family Physician. 2001 Mar 1;63(5):913.. Below there are additional links to pages (see also those above) regarding the influence certain drugs and performance enhancers can have on an individual and the exercise process.Burke LM, Castell LM, Stear SJ. BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1.

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