


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==概述==[[文件:FES_cycling.png|右|无框架|311x311px]]功能性电刺激(FES)使用电脉冲直接刺激运动神经元或去神经支配的肌肉纤维,以引起功能性活动期间的收缩。Berkelmans R. [http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-9903/2008/1450-99030802073B.pdf Fes cycling]。自动控制学报,2008;18(2):73-6 FES在治疗骨科和神经系统疾病方面有着广泛的历史。Martin R, Sadowsky C, Obst K, Meyer B, McDonald J. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23459150]功能性电刺激在脊髓损伤中的应用。脊髓损伤康复的主题。2012 Jan 1;18(1):28-33例如,FES可用于激活胫骨前肌,以帮助足下垂患者在整个步态周期中进行足背屈曲,或用于增强全膝关节置换术后的股四头肌。FES Cycling通过对肌肉和/或神经的电刺激来收缩与骑车相关的肌肉。在一个完整的旋转后,每一块肌肉都将被刺激一次,并以适当的时间和强度来适合骑行。例如,下肢FES骑行会激活腘绳肌、股四头肌、臀肌和小腿肌肉。上肢FES循环运动激活的肌肉包括肱二头肌和肱三头肌。 FES自行车将检测肌肉输出功率的变化,并在肌肉开始疲劳时激活马达以辅助骑行。随着时间的推移,可以通过监测运动贡献量来跟踪进展。Canada's first arm cycling program at Parkwood Institute in London, Ontario for patients with a spinal cord injury [Internet]. Parkwood Institute | St. Joseph's Health Care London. St Joseph's Health Care London; [cited 2018May8]. Available from: [https://www.sjhc.london.on.ca/our-stories/canada%E2%80%99s-first-arm-cycling-program-parkwood-institute-patients-spinal-cord-injury https://www.sjhc.london.on.ca/our-stories/canada’s-first-arm-cycling-program-parkwood-institute-patients-spinal-cord-injury] FES Cycling may maximize the amount of function that is recovered through activity-dependent [[neuroplasticity]] as a result of the repeated exposure and stimulation of the nerves and muscles during the activity. FES Cycling 2-3 times per week for 10 weeks in individuals with a spinal cord injury showed increased total cycling power, endurance, lean muscle, and improvements in lower extremity ASIA Impairment Scales Scores for both Motor and Sensory, which is particularly important in individuals who experience the effects of chronic paralysis.Griffin L, Decker MJ, Hwang JY, Wang B, Kitchen K, Ding Z, Ivy JL. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18440241 Functional electrical stimulation cycling improves body composition, metabolic and neural factors in persons with spinal cord injury.] Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2009 Aug 1;19(4):614-22. Individuals with a spinal cord injury face many barriers to participating in physical activity, which increases their risk for chronic conditions associated with a sedentary lifestyle.Ginis KA, Jörgensen S, Stapleton J. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23174556 Exercise and sport for persons with spinal cord injury.] PM&R. 2012 Nov 1;4(11):894-900 FES Cycling provides an accessible form of exercise for individuals limited in the ability to participate in other forms of exercise to evoke both the physical and psychological benefits that exercise can have.

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