


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==定义/描述==[[文件:做静态拉伸的女人。jpg|拇指|372x372px|做静态拉伸的女人]]静态拉伸是一种拉伸运动,拉伸[[肌肉]],应用低力和长时间(通常为30秒)。静态拉伸对肌肉有放松、延伸的作用,可以增加运动范围(ROM),降低肌肉肌腱僵硬度,还可以降低急性肌肉拉伤的风险。张建军,张建军[https://books.google.com.eg/books/about/NASM_Essentials_of_Corrective_Exercise_T.html?id=tZGIM2xzeSwC&redir_esc=y .]NASM的《纠正性运动训练要点》。费城:Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins .2011。Kay AD, Blazevich AJ。[https://insights.ovid.com/pubmed?pmid=21659901急性静态拉伸对最大肌肉性能的影响:系统综述。]体育运动医学与科学。2012年1月,44(1):154-164。这是一个缓慢的控制运动,强调姿势意识和身体对齐。它适用于所有类型的病人。===拉伸对肌肉性能的影响===传统的做法是在主要运动课程或主要运动项目之前进行静态拉伸练习,以提高肌肉性能并最大限度地减少受伤的风险。但最近的评论发现,在运动前立即拉伸并不能防止受伤,而且会对肌肉表现产生不利影响。因此,在主要运动或主要运动项目之前进行静态拉伸会导致在这些后续项目中的表现下降。 [https://insights.ovid.com/pubmed?pmid=15377965 Does Stretching Improve Performance?: A Systematic and Critical Review of the Literature.] Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine:2004 Sep :14(5) : 267-273.Rubini EC , Costa AL , Gomes PS .[https://link.springer.com/article/10.2165%2F00007256-200737030-00003 The Effects of Stretching on Strength Performance .] Sports Medicine. 37(3): 213-24 · To understand how static stretching can lead to decline muscle performance we have to understand the acute effect of static stretching and the effect of regular stretching. ==== Acute Effects of Static Stretching on Muscle: ==== * Decreases the visco-elastic behavior of muscle and tendon only on the short term with no long term effect . * Decreases [[Motor Neurone|motor neuron]] excitability through inhibitory effect from the [[Golgi Tendon Organ|Golgi Tendon organ]] and by activation of Renshaw recurrent loop (recurrent inhibition). * Decreases the activity of motor unit. * Decreases the activity of [[muscle spindles]] ,which results in decreasing the activity of stretch [[Reflexes|reflex]]. * Decreases in sensitivity of [[Nociception|nociceptors]] and joint receptors which are fundamental mechanisms for the protection of structures involved in motion. * Facilitates types III and IV joint receptors sending inhibitory drive to the α motoneuron pool. Collectively all these acute changes in the muscle lead to decrease in force production, performance and increasing in the risk of injury . ==== Effect of Regular Static Stretching on Muscle: ==== Regular static stretching exercise shown that it improves force and performance in activities. Its underlying mechanism is that regular stretching induces muscle hypertrophy. It is shown that if stretching a muscle group for 30 to 60 s/d over months results in hypertrophy

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