


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:说明/目的==关节线压痛(JLT)试验是一种常用于筛查半月板损伤敏感性的体检试验。Akseki D, Pinar H, Karaoglan O. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12845289/]半月板撕裂合并前交叉韧带撕裂的临床诊断准确性。[j] .中华骨科杂志,2003;37 (2):393 - 398 (2) 。[https://www.arthroscopyjournal.org/article/S0749-8063(03)00736-9/pdf体格检查关节线压痛诊断半月板撕裂的准确性。]关节镜;The Journal of Arthroscopic;相关外科2003;19日(8):850 - 854。(1B)如果疼痛局限于关节内侧或外侧,可以使用该测试。这可能与关节软骨的退行性病理或内侧或外侧半月板完整性受损有关。 leew S, Stoker S, Nallamothu S. [https://smrj.scholasticahq.com/article/11765-the-rules-of-four-a-systematic-approach-to-diagnosing-common-musculoskeletal-conditions-of-the-knee四规则:诊断膝关节常见肌肉骨骼疾病的系统方法。[j];4(2)。 JLT患者在按压关节表面或在正常活动范围内移动关节时,关节疼痛会加剧。 Symptoms that may coexist with joint tenderness are joint stiffness, joint swelling, joint redness, joint warmth, joint pain and joint deformity.Stephen J, et al. Joint tenderness overview. DSHI systems 2010(5) The test is usually performed with the patient relaxed and lying on the table, but it can also be executed in a sitting position, with the knee in a flexed position of 90°. The test can be executed for the lateral border of the knee (lateral meniscus) and for the medial border of the knee (medial meniscus). Wadey V, Mohtadi N, Bray R, Frank C. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17550711/ Positive predictive value of maximal posterior joint-line tenderness in diagnosing meniscal pathology: a pilot study]. Can J Surg. 2007; 50(2): 96–100. (1B)

{| cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="80%" border="0" align="center" |- | [[Image:Menisci from above.png|thumb|center|300px|Menisci from Above]] | [[Image:Meniscal tear MRI.jpg|thumb|center|300px|Meniscal Tear on MRI]] |}

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