


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==介绍== [[File:Physio_1.jpg|alt=|右|frameless]] [[File:Physio_1.jpg|alt=|右|frameless]]]运动控制练习是一种流行的[[治疗练习|练习]]形式,旨在恢复[[协调练习|协调练习]]和有效使用控制和支撑脊柱的[[肌肉|肌肉]]。治疗师指导病人在做简单的工作时练习正常使用肌肉。随着控制和技能的提高,练习进展到更复杂的功能任务,涉及躯干和四肢肌肉Saragiotto BT, Maher CG, Yamato TP, Costa LO, Costa LC, Ostelo RW, Macedo LG。[https://www.cochrane.org/CD012004/BACK_motor-control-exercise-chronic-non-specific-low-back-pain运动控制运动治疗慢性非特异性腰痛]。Cochrane数据库系统评价。2016(1)。可用地址:https://www.cochrane.org/CD012004/BACK_motor-control-exercise-chronic-non-specific-low-back-pain(访问3.1.2022)。在20世纪90年代和21世纪初,世界各地的从业者开始认识到[[核心肌肉|核心肌肉]],例如[[腹横肌|腹横肌]],[[腰椎多裂肌|腰椎多裂肌]]和[[盆底解剖学|盆底]]需要评估和考虑纳入[[腰痛]的综合治疗方案[[腰痛]][[Bystrom et al . 2013]] [Bystrom MG, Rasmussen-Barr E, Grooten WJ。[https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://journals.lww.com/spinejournal/FullText/2013/03150/Motor_Control_Exercises_Reduces_Pain_and.18.aspx&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=10701181167903656957&ei=i6KuY96mPOeR6rQPyeixmAI&scisig=AAGBfm3TmtecdOrHQvbQPgPdyQaUVbjUiQ运动控制练习减少慢性和复发性腰痛的疼痛和残疾:一项荟萃分析]。《脊椎》(费城出版社1976)。2013; 38(6): E350-8. A 2016 systematic review evaluating the effectiveness of [[Motor Control and Learning|motor control]] exercise (MCE) in patients with [[Chronic Low Back Pain|chronic non-specific low back pain]] concluded: "MCE probably provides better improvements in [[Motor Control Changes and Pain|pain]], function and global impression of recovery than minimal intervention at all follow-up periods. MCE may provide slightly better improvements than exercise and [[electrophysical]] agents for pain, disability, global impression of recovery and the physical component of [[Quality of Life|quality of life]] in the short and intermediate term. There is probably little or no difference between MCE and [[Manual Therapy|manual therapy]] for all [[Outcome Measures|outcomes]] and follow-up periods. Little or no difference is observed between MCE and other forms of exercise. Given the minimal evidence that MCE is superior to other forms of exercise, the choice of exercise for chronic LBP should probably depend on patient or therapist preferences, therapist training, costs and safety".  Indeed, since 2016, most evidence is in agreement regarding the lack of difference in outcomes for chronic LBP between motor control exercises compared to other exercisesGrooten WJA, Boström C, Dedering Åsa, Halvorsen M, Kuster RP, Nilsson-Wikmar L, et al. Summarizing the effects of different exercise types in chronic low back pain – a systematic review of systematic reviews. [https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-022-05722-x BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2022;23(1):1–801.] . '''Figure 1: Transversus abdominis'''
'''Figure 2: [[Lumbar Multifidus|Lumbar multifidus]] on the left of the spine'''

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