


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:当一个人遭受伤害或创伤时,他/她可能会对这种伤害产生心理和情感反应,并可能引发心理健康问题,如[[抑郁]],[//m.houseofhawgs.com/Generalized_Anxiety_Disorder?utm_source=physiopedia&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=ongoing_internal焦虑]和[[压力与健康|压力]]。[[神经性厌食症]]也可能因担心体重增加而引发。有证据支持心理健康问题可能会抑制康复过程的结果[参考文献]Bruijning JE, van Rens GH, Fick M, Knol DL, van Nispen RM。运用荷兰ICF活动量表对低视力康复患者应对心理(情绪)健康的纵向观察、评价和解释。健康和生活质量结果。2014年12月,12(1):1 - 6。< / ref >。抑郁症是降低生活满意度和生活质量的常见心理问题[[脊髓损伤导论|脊髓损伤](SCI)]。Craig a, Tran Y, Middleton J.心理疾病和脊髓损伤:一项系统综述。脊髓杂志,2009;47(2):108-14。10.1038/sc.2008.115显示,处于康复阶段的SCI患者仍存在抑郁风险,其中近30%的患者可能出现抑郁风险。 In addition, the potential depressive risk may be approximately 27% when SCI patients return to their normal life. So good or sound patients' mental health is pre requisite for better rehabilitation outcomes or results. There is also an increased risk of suicide among people with SCI compared to the general population, attributable to both pre- and post-SCI factors (e.g., psychiatric history prior to SCI, increased duress following SCI, and associated changes in functioning), with estimates of 4–11% of deaths following SCI attributable to suicideKennedy P, Garmon-Jones L. [https://www.nature.com/articles/sc2016135 Self-harm and suicide before and after spinal cord injury: a systematic review.] Spinal Cord. 2017 Jan;55(1):2-7. Khazem LR. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352250X17301914 Physical disability and suicide: recent advancements in understanding and future directions for consideration]. Curr Opin Psychol. 2018;22:18–22. .

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