


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==介绍==[[文件:Neuron Part 1.png|右|无框架]]神经元是[[神经解剖学导论|神经系统]]的细胞,位于灰质内,负责大脑的所有[[神经学评估|神经学]]功能Radiopedia [https://radiopaedia.org/articles/neurone Neurone]可从;https://radiopaedia.org/articles/neurone获得(最后访问日期为2020年12月16日)。一些事实会激发你的兴趣。*每个人的身体都含有数十亿个神经元。在[[脑解剖|大脑]]中大约有1000亿个,在[[脊髓解剖|脊髓]]中有1350万个。*体内最快的信号传递发生在脊髓内的α[[运动神经元]]。它们以每小时431公里的速度传输信号。最慢的信号传输是在皮肤内,每小时1.6公里。*随着年龄的增长,我们会失去神经元,人类大约从20岁开始。到我们75岁的时候,1/10的神经元消失了,由于神经元的损失,我们的大脑每年会萎缩1-2克。*人体最长的神经是[[坐骨神经|坐骨神经]]。 It runs from the spinal cord to the toes on each side of the body. * [[Glial Cells|Glial]] cells are support cells for neurones. They make myelin to surround part of the neuron and can also get rid of microbes and help supply nutrients to the neuronesBiology Dictionary Nervous System Fun Facts Available from: https://biologydictionary.net/nervous-system-fun-facts/ (accessed 17.12.2020). * Neurones do not go through mitosis, and usually cannot be replaced after being destroyed, although astrocytes have been observed to turn into neurones as they are sometimes pluripotent. 3 types of Neurones exist and are programmed to do different things. # [[Motor Neurone|Motor neurones]] carry signals from the CNS to the outside parts of the body. See Link # Sensory Neurons: The sensory neurones are the portion of the nervous system responsible for processing input from the environment. Beginning with detection through the transfer of stimuli to the central nervous system, the peripheral nerves and their associated receptors rapidly relay information. The peripheral nervous system consists of the somatosensory nervous system and autonomic nervous system: The sensory pathway of the [[Sensation|somatosensory system]] involves spinal nerves which transmit information about the external environment to the spinal cord; The autonomic nervous system has visceral sensory neurons which are responsible for monitoring the internal environment and eliciting appropriate changes in effector organs to maintain homeostasis (visceral sensory nerves transmit [[Pain Mechanisms|pain]], stretch, temperature, and chemical change in visceral organs which gets interpreted as sensations like nausea, hunger, gas, cramping, etc).Koop LK, Tadi P. [https://www.statpearls.com/articlelibrary/viewarticle/28892/ Neuroanatomy, Sensory Nerves] 31.7.2020 .Available from:https://www.statpearls.com/articlelibrary/viewarticle/28892/ (accessed 21.12.2020) # [[Interneurons]] sends messages from one neurone to another.Health Line 11 Fun Facts About the Nervous System Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/fun-facts-about-the-nervous-system#2 (accessed 17.12.2020)

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