


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==关于我们的项目==内容开发项目自2009年推出以来一直为Physiopedia的发展做出贡献。Physiopedia是一个维基百科。wiki是一个网页的集合,不需要专门的工具和很少的技术知识就可以协同编辑。因此,Physiopedia非常适合合作小组创作,并为世界各地的物理治疗师和物理治疗师提供了一个贡献,分享和获得知识的地方,作为正式项目的一部分。这个页面概述了过去和现在的[[内容开发项目]]与Physiopedia。项目可以分为教育项目、专业组织项目和临床项目。*“教育项目”-包括为大学预科和研究生开设的教育机构,作为其正规大学或学院教育的一部分。*“专业团体计划”-由专业团体举办,让会员参与,以获得专业发展机会。*“临床项目”-由诊所主导,为员工和访学学生提供专业发展项目。“这是一次很棒的经历,让我学会了如何以一种非常平易近人的方式为我们的职业做出贡献。” Anonymous student feedback, [https://www.bellarmine.edu/health-professions/graduate/doctor-of-physical-therapy/ Bellarmine University], USA

"....I must say it's a pretty cool way to learn". [[User:Kathleen Nestor|Kathleen Nestor]], Physical Therapy student, USA The feedback that we have gathered from previous projects has been overwhelmingly positive.  Project participants really appreciate the fact that their work does not just get filed away for no-one else to see, but is making a positive and lasting contribution to the profession through it's addition to this resource.

"I would not hesitate in recommending the use of the Physiopedia site to build and share work that could be of use across the globe." [[User:Bhanu Ramaswamy|Bhanu Ramaswamy]], AGILE Project
Highlighted below are current projects that are taking place within Physiopedia, and also previous projects that have been completed. '''If you would like to organise a project within Physiopedia, please do not hesitate to [mailto:hello@physio-pedia.com get in touch].'''

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