


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==[[腰痛|腰痛]](LBP)是一种常见的致残性疾病,有肌肉骨骼和非肌肉骨骼两种原因。据报道,超过80%的个体在其一生中会经历下腰痛,20-30%的个体在任何时间点都有这些症状Freburger JK, Holmes GM, et al。慢性腰痛患病率上升。高级实习医师,2009年。169(3): 251 - 8。< / ref >。Katz等人报道,管理这种情况的累积成本每年超过1000亿美元。鉴于腰痛相关的高经济成本,临床医生必须进行全面的[[腰椎评估]],以获得必要的信息,以确定适当的护理计划,无论是外部转诊还是物理治疗,对他们的病人来说。根据患者的症状匹配适当的干预措施已被证明可以降低LBP患者的医疗保健费用。识别急性/亚急性“非特异性”腰痛患者亚组:一项随机临床试验的结果脊柱。2006。. The patient interview is the first opportunity for the clinician to gather information regarding the patient’s condition. Information gathered during the subjective history can increase the clinician’s confidence in either '''ruling in''' or '''ruling out''' a suspected condition through the utilization of likelihood ratios (LR) to determine the probability of a condition’s presence or absence. After determining the condition responsible for a patient’s LBP symptoms, the subjective examination may help determine which referral or intervention is warranted.

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