


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:在脑瘫(CP)中,原始的脑损伤是非进行性的。不幸的是,即使最初的脑部病变没有恶化,儿童的肌肉骨骼(肌肉和骨骼)功能也会随着年龄的增长和成年而恶化。因此,CP最大的实际挑战之一是维持和改善肌肉骨骼功能。髋关节是肌肉骨骼问题的常见部位。根据大运动功能分类系统(Soo et al ., 2006, Hagglund et al . 2007, Connelly et al . 2009, Kentish et al ., 2011),髋关节移位与大运动功能直接相关(Soo et al ., 2006, Hagglund et al ., 2009)。
Shore B, Spence D, Graham H.。中华骨骼肌杂志,2012;5(2):126-134。
CP的髋关节移位通常发生在2-3岁。Hägglund G.脑瘫患儿髋关节移位的特点。BMC肌肉骨骼疾病。2007; 8:101 - 101。
The reported rates of hip displacement and hip dislocation in CP children vary widely and have been reported from 2% to 75% (Bagg et al, 1993)
A user-friendly hip surveillance programme that allows for early identification and monitoring is the keystone of management.
Hip Surveillance is the process of identifying and monitoring the critical early indicators of progressive hip displacement Wynter M, Gibson N, Willoughby K, et al. Australian hip surveillance guidelines for children with cerebral palsy: 5-year review. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015;57(9):808-820.. Early identification is an essential part of the strategy for the prevention of hip dislocation and its sequelae.

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