


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==介绍==[[文件:Community engagement.jpeg|拇指|416x416px|用于评估老年人的平衡能力]]Tinetti-test,也称为性能导向的流动性评估(POMA),评估一个人在[[日常生活活动|日常生活活动]]中对平衡和稳定性的感知,以及他们对[[老年人跌倒|跌倒的恐惧。][j] [ref name=":0">王晓明,王晓明。运动控制的临床应用研究。费城:威科集团,2016。Tinetti ME, Williams TF, Mayewski R,基于慢性残疾数量的老年患者跌倒风险指数。美国医学杂志1986:80:429-434这是一个非常好的指标,个人跌倒的风险。*测试包括两个短部分,其中一个检查椅子上的静态平衡能力,然后站着,和另一个步态*它有更好的测试-重测试,判别和预测效度关于跌倒风险比其他测试,包括计时起来和去测试([//m.houseofhawgs.com/index.php/Timed_Up_and_Go_Test_(TUG) TUG]),[[单腿站立测试|单腿站立]]和[[功能到达测试(FRT)|功能到达测试]]。林明荣,黄海峰,胡明辉,吴海华,王玉文,黄春芳。社区老年人起跑时间、单腿站立、功能伸展和Tinetti平衡测量的心理测量比较美国老年医学会杂志,2004;52(8): 1343 - 8。观看这个3分钟的视频来可视化测试。{{# ev: youtube | v = N88_W845nz8 | 300}} < ref >杰夫·詹姆斯。Tinetti测试。 Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N88_W845nz8 [last accessed 6/6/2009] Access [https://www.thecalculator.co/health/Tinetti-Balance-Test-Calculator-1031.html here] to see how to calculate a Tinetti test score. === Intended Population === It is used in various settings eg those diagnosed with [[Multiple Sclerosis (MS)]], [[Parkinson's - Clinical Presentation|Parkinson's]], [[Overview of Traumatic Brain Injury|acquired brain injury]], [[Spinal Cord Injury|spinal cord injury]], [[stroke]], [[Motor Neurone Disease MND|motor neurone disease]], normal pressure [[hydrocephalus]] and the [[Older People - An Introduction|elderly]] population. === Procedure === The test requires a hard armless chair, a stopwatch and also, a 15 feet even and uniform walkway. It has 2 sections: # Assesses balance abilities in a chair and also in standing # Assesses dynamic balance during [[gait]] on a 15 feet even walkway. The patient is to sit in an armless chair and will be asked to rise up and stay standing. The patient will then turn 360° and then sit back down.Reiman MP, Manske RC. Functional testing in human performance. Champaign: Human kinetics, 2009. level of evidence D This is to test the patients' balance. Testing this, the evaluator will look at several key points including how does the patient rise from and sits down on his/her chair, whether or not the patient stays upright while sitting and standing, what happens when the patients' eyes are closed or when the patient gets a small push against the sternum. Next, the patient will have to walk a few meters at a normal speed, followed by turning and walking back at a “fast but safe” speed. The patient will then sit back down. As well as in the first part of the test, there are some points the evaluator has to look at. These are the length and height of the steps, the symmetry and continuity of the steps and straightness of the trunk. During this test, the patient can use any assistive devices ([//m.houseofhawgs.com/index.php/Walking_stick walking stick], [//m.houseofhawgs.com/index.php/Crutches crutches], [//m.houseofhawgs.com/index.php/Zimmer_frame zimmer frame]) they would normally use.

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