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您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:== Lucinda Hampton ==[[文件:Lucinda Hampton . jpg |拇指|Lucinda Hampton]] 1987年毕业于澳大利亚的物理治疗师,现在在实践的大多数方面都很有经验。毕业时,我在圣灵群岛的热带地区工作,在一家小型乡村医院和一家私人诊所工作。然后,我在一家医疗中心经营了一家私人理疗中心,长达10年,这是一段很棒的跨学科经历。现在我在阳光明媚的澳大利亚昆士兰的天堂生活和工作“工作生活”[[文件:Lucinda H. jpeg|拇指|周末和Anthony H.]]我在客户家里做流动理疗师。我手头的案子很复杂。一般来说,我每天早上7:30离开家,在昆士兰的阳光海岸旅行,每次会见客户30分钟。我看到老人帮助他们继续住在自己的家里。这可能需要我给他们一个家庭锻炼计划,如果他们有能力的话,在他们家里和他们一起做奥塔哥锻炼计划。否则,我可能会做一些简单的练习,比如坐立、步态训练、姿势训练。我也可以和他们一起做肌肉骨骼(MSK)工作,帮助他们治疗骨关节炎关节或后续的关节置换。 I also see many diabetic clients and help them with exercise programs which I supervise in the home. I often am supplying and recommending walking aids to clients along with aids to help them with their activities of daily living. I often am doing postural assessments and helping people with their seating and sleeping needs. I also see people with new neuronal disorders. I will be helping them with exercises and strengthening stretching where appropriate whatever the best treatment seems for that client. I am always hands on. I was trained in the Maitland fashion and use Maitland a lot. At times I see children (e.g. with cerebral palsy) and treat them in the typical fashion that physiotherapy does. I also see clients with dementia. I see lots of clients needing conditioning who have atrial fibrillation. I do a lot of chest treatment with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)clients and quite often teach them the active control of breathing technique. I come across a lot of people who need help with managing their oedema. At times I see people with down syndrome.As you see a bit of everything. [[File:Top Contributor Star.png|right|frameless]] '''Personal Life'''. My life is very outdoors orientated and have a great husband and daughter. I am a cycling fan and tour France every year on touring bike for 6 weeks, doing 50 Km a day from town to town. Have written various pages on physiopedia on cycling injuries. I love swimming, cycling and the good life. [[Badges|Physiopedia Badges]] see images on R My latest badge is a purple belt badge. * '''The Purple Belt badge is awarded to volunteers after four years of contribution and satisfactory completion of their annual appraisal.''' * I also have an award was from Physiopedia for being the [https://www.physiospot.com/physiopedia/monthly-awards-program-january-2020/ top contributor] for January 2021 and 2020.

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