查看用户源:Patti Crawford-Baxter



您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:= Patti Crawford-Baxter =[[文件:100 4500.jpg|拇指|300x300px]] === =关于我=== ===我住在加拿大,自1995年以来一直是一名物理治疗师。我职业生涯的大部分时间都在与儿科和骨科患者打交道。我喜欢成为一名物理治疗师和物理治疗专业。任何能促进这一职业发展的东西我都感兴趣。从2002年到2015年,我一直是新不伦瑞克省物理治疗师委员会的成员。我担任校长、财务主管和教育主席。1997年至2002年,我还担任第三区卫生教育委员会主任。我一直很好奇,并寻找学习机会成长为一名物理治疗师。我继续通过Physiopedia寻求积极的学习机会。" '=== == Physiopedia Awards == [[File:White Belt- Volunteer.png|thumb|alt=|left]] == Career == 自1995年以来我一直是一名物理治疗师。 I have worked in primarily rural New Brunswick, Canada. I have been employed in Health Center physiotherapy departments, the educational system, private clinics, and Tertiary centers for pediatrics. I currently operate my own private clinic in my home, Country Road Physiotherapy, part -time and work in the Community Health Center Physiotherapy Department part-time. In addition to work, I live on a WindGap Farm with my husband and 2 sons where we raise pure breed and commercial cattle, horses, chickens, dogs and a cat. == '''Education''' == AFCI, Acupuncture, Acupuncture Foundation of Canada, 2001 Physiotherapy BSc., McMaster University, 1995 Kinesioloy, BHSc. Honours Co-op, University of Waterloo, 1993 Soccer coach C level Volleyball Coach- Developmental level Organizational Leader for Country Meadows 4-H Forest School Practioner == Professional Affiliations == Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 1993- present College of Physiotherapist of New Brunswick 1995- present

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