


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:[[File:Dementia Walking Picture.jpg|右|无边框]]在矫形外科中,负重是指特定肢体承受的重量或力量。对于外科医生或治疗内科医生来说,为特定的手术或损伤开出减少负重的处方是很常见的。坚持这种减轻负重的状态对于最佳恢复是至关重要的,因为过早增加负重会延迟愈合。【参考文献】Augat P, Merk J, Ignatius A, Margevicius K, Bauer G, Rosenbaum D, Claes L.早期全负重内固定延迟骨折愈合。临床骨科及相关研究®。1996年7月1日;328:194 - 202。马夫伊特B,安托利斯特。骨折愈合/截骨的最佳机械环境。国际整形外科。2012年4月1日;36(4):689-95。 A reduced weight bearing status can be applied to either an upper or lower limb. It is important to note that walking is inherently an activity requiring single leg stance and as such, a person with no physical limitations will carry all of their body weight through each leg at different points in the [[Gait Cycle|gait cycle]].Fruth S. Fundamentals of the Physical Therapy Examination. Second Edition. Burlington, MA, USA. Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2018. Therefore, having a reduced weight bearing status, for a lower limb, can have wide reaching impacts on walking and ambulation. Injuries or surgeries most commonly indicating a lower weight bearing status include total or partial joint replacements, bone [[:Category:Fractures|fractures]] (surgically and non surgically repaired), and [[Tendon Anatomy|tendon]] or [[ligament]] repairs.

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