



尽管研究人员建议,为了避免依赖,不应推荐外部支撑(如腹部捆绑)作为DRA的主要康复技术,但在特定情况下,结合锻炼使用可能会有好处。例如,腹部捆绑可以提供额外的支持和舒适,并有助于产后早期妇女的提示和本体感受,并可以增加患者在尝试激活或收缩腹部肌肉时的信心。Cheifetz及其同事(2010)进行的一项随机对照试验表明,腹部支持可以有效地控制腹部大手术后的痛苦和改善患者的体验,这可能与剖腹产后DRA患者康复有关。【参考文献】Cheifetz O, Lucy SD, Overend TJ, Crowe J.腹部支持对腹部大手术患者功能结局的影响:一项随机对照试验。物理治疗加拿大,2010;62(3):242-53。部分临床专家建议,非弹性粘合剂更有可能导致膀胱内压(IVP)升高,或膀胱内尿压升高。【参考文献】张丽娟。排尿过程中膀胱内压力与流出阻力的关系。中华神经科杂志。2009;42(s1): 95-104。因此,重要的是要注意,如果要处方或建议使用腹部粘合剂,弹性粘合剂比非弹性粘合剂更有可能促进恢复。此外,弹性包裹允许更大的运动,不太可能限制呼吸。If an abdominal wrap or binding is going to be used, it should be initiated immediately postpartum and worn for support for approximately 8 weeks, or until the patient has the ability to generate tension in the inner unit during activity. External support should always be used in conjunction with inner unit activation and exercises to regain control and co-activation of the inner unit muscles. Additionally, abdominal bindings should always be wrapped from the bottom up to avoid an increase in pressure on the uterus and pelvic organs, which can cause downward descent or prolapse of the pelvic organs. The abdominal wrap should offer light compression or gentle hugging as too much compression can increase IAP.

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