


包括加强和改善膝关节附近肌肉的柔韧性,如股四头肌、腘绳肌、内收肌、外展肌、腓肠肌和比目鱼肌。< br>康复计划的关键组成部分将包括灵活性,心血管疾病训练,加强和恢复ADL。*在踝关节下放置泡沫滚轮的平卧被动膝关节伸展练习是恢复伸展灵活性的一种练习。重力将有助于最大限度地伸展膝盖。 If possible you can make the exercise more difficult by putting weights on the anterior sight of the knee. * Quadriceps sets * Prone passive knee extension exercise, laying down on the belly, with knees over the bench (unsupported leg). * Straight leg raises * Leg presses * Also mini-squats, a walking program, the use of a recumbent or stationary bicycle, a swimming program, or possibly an elliptical machine are the most successful rehabilitation programs.
Rehabilitation programs will have the greatest success when focussing on strengthening the quadriceps muscles which are directly attached to the medial plica, and when avoiding activities which cause medial plica irritation.
The most important part of the quadriceps to train is the m. vastus mediale. Full range of quadriceps training is not recommended because these create excessive patellar compression at 90°. Instead straight leg raises and short-arc quadriceps exercises at 5°-10°, also hip adductor strengthening should be performed. Other exercises to be performed are squad, go up and down the stairs and lunging forward.. Other important components of this treatment are a stretching program for these muscles(quadriceps, hamstrings and gastrocnemius) and knee extension exercises. The goal of these knee extension exercises is the strengthening of the tensor musculature of the joint capsule. But if the patient has too much pain when reaching terminal extension, then this should be avoided. This conservative treatment is effective in most cases, but in some patients a surgery is necessary. In this case a post-operative therapy is necessary. The post-operative treatment is identical to the conservative treatment and is usually started 15 days after the surgery. The main goal of physiotherapy in plica syndrome is to reduce pain, maximise the ROM and increase the strength of the muscles. {{#ev:youtube|Rl7yxBWIyzg}}
The type of plica, the age of the patient and the duration of symptoms will greatly influence the success rate of conservative non-operative treatment of plica syndrome. It is generally believed that infrapatellar and lateral plica syndrome are not very responsive to physical therapy and will normally require surgery. Success of conservative therapy is also more likely in younger patients with only short duration of symptoms, as the plica will not yet have undergone morphological changes. In general, the overall success of non-surgical treatment is relatively low and complete relief of symptoms is only rarely achieved.

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