


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:和其他形式的物质一样,水也具有一定的物理性质,包括质量、重量、密度、相对密度、浮力、静水压力、表面张力、折射和反射。Duffield M.H(1969)水中运动。巴尔的摩:The Williams &;威尔金斯公司。Meeusen R. (2003) Sportrevalidatie: Aquatherapie (deel 1). België: Kluwer理疗师在进行水疗时应该理解和应用的水的物理定律中,浮力和静水压力是最重要的。施加的侧向压力和浮力的作用一起会给人一种失重的感觉。 ===浮力 ===浮力是一种与重力相反方向的向上推力。 A body in water is therefore subjected to two opposing forces. When the weight of the floating body equals the weight of the liquid displaced, and the centres of buoyancy and gravity are in the same vertical line, the body is kept in stable equilibrium. If the centres are not in the same vertical line the two forces acting on the body will cause it to roll over until it reaches a position of stable equilibrium. ===Hydrostatic pressure === The molecules of a fluid thrust upon each part of the surface area of an immersed body. Pascal's law states that fluid pressure is exerted equally on all surface areas of an immersed body at rest at a given depth. Pressure increased with the density of the fluid and with its dept. This means that swelling will be reduced more easily if exercises are given well below the surface of the water where the increased pressure may be used. The hydrostatic pressure place on the outside of the body causes a decrease in Blood Pressure (BP) peripherally and an increase in the BP in and around the heart. This can cause potential problems for eg Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) and Coronary Artery Disease CAD) clients and needs to be taken into consideration. The greater the depth the greater the changes described above would be.Murry J. ''Advantages and concerns of aquatic exercise for cardiovascular rehabilitation patients''(Doctoral dissertation).[https://minds.wisconsin.edu/bitstream/handle/1793/72209/JoyMurray.pdf?sequence=1]

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