


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==结构和大体解剖==骨髓分为血管切片和非血管切片。#血管部分:包含血管,为骨骼提供营养,并将血液干细胞和成熟血细胞从骨骼转移到循环系统中。#非血管切片:造血(血细胞形成)发生的地方。该区域包含未成熟的血细胞、脂肪细胞、白细胞(巨噬细胞和浆细胞)和网状结缔组织的细分支纤维。虽然所有的血细胞都来自骨髓,但一些淋巴瘤白细胞在脾脏、淋巴结和胸腺等其他器官中成熟。*非承诺多能干细胞以有序的方式进行增殖和分化,产生未成熟的承诺祖细胞。祖细胞最终产生成熟的承诺细胞,释放到循环血液中。*细胞生产受多种调节机制控制,包括生长因子。*重组生长因子的可用性刺激了这些因子在多种血液病中的临床试验。[文件:红色和黄色骨髓。png|右|无框|306x306px]]正常骨髓分为红色和黄色骨髓,区分的依据是骨髓中含有多少脂肪。 Image at R: A piece of femur. The white ring is bone. The red spongy part is red bone marrow. The inner yellow circle is yellow marrow.Kiddle Bone marrow Available from:https://kids.kiddle.co/Bone_marrow (last accessed 3.8.2020) # Red marrow is composed of * Haematopoietic stem cells that produce two other types of stem cells: myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells. These cells develop into red blood cells, [[Leukocytes|white blood cells]], or [[Platelet|platelets]]. * Supporting stroma * Reticulum (phagocytes and undifferentiated progenitor cells) * Scattered fat cells * Rich vascular supply * Confined mostly to skeletal system bones of the skull, pelvis, spine, ribs, sternum, shoulder blades, and near the point of attachment of the long bones of the arms and legs. * Not only does red marrow produce blood cells, but it also helps to remove old cells from circulation, other organs, such as the spleen and liver, also filter aged and damaged blood cells from the blood. 2. Yellow marrow: * Has all the same constituents as red, except that fat cells make up the vast majority (80%, versus 40% in red marrow) * Poor vascular supply * Composed of hematopoietic tissue that has become inactive. * Found in spongy bones and in the shaft of long bones. * When blood supply is extremely low, yellow marrow can be converted to red marrow in order to produce more blood cells.Radiopedia [https://radiopaedia.org/articles/bone-marrow Bone Marrow] Available from:https://radiopaedia.org/articles/bone-marrow (last accessed 3.8.2020)

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