


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:由于药物治疗在预防疾病或减缓疾病进展方面的有效性,它是迄今为止许多急性和慢性疾病最常见的医疗干预形式。当实施多种临床指南时,就会出现问题,这些指南会导致药物不良事件的风险增加,而忽略了患者的偏好。综合用药指南[互联网]。Sehd.scot.nhs.uk。2015[引自2018年5月17日]。可从:http://www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/publications/DC20150415polypharmacy.pdf # Polypharmacy意为“多种药物”,但在医疗保健环境中,它通常被认为是指患者服用五种或更多药物。多重用药有时是必要的,例如二级预防[[心肌梗死]]通常需要使用四种不同类别的药物(抗血小板药、他汀类药物、[[ACE抑制剂:充血性心力衰竭|ACE抑制剂,]][[β受体阻滞剂| β受体阻滞剂]])。当一种或多种不需要或不再需要的药物被处方时,存在不适当的多重用药,原因可能是:没有循证适应症,适应症已过期或剂量过高。1种或更多的药物无法达到它们预期的治疗目标。#1或几种药物的组合导致不可接受的“药物不良反应''' '''(adr)”,或使患者处于不可接受的此类adr的高风险中。患者不愿意或不能按预期服用一种或多种药物。 See [[Tackling Overprescription]] The video below gives a music fun version of the risks and issues of polypharmacy.{{#ev:youtube|Lp3pFjKoZl8|400}} === Who needs a medications review? === In the absence of definitive evidence on which patients are most likely to benefit from a holistic review of their medication, the following two groups of patients will be identified as potential candidates for medication review: *All patients in care homes age 50+ regardless of the number of medicines that they are on *Patients who are: **Aged 75 and over, (consider those aged 65 and above) **On 10 or more medicines, one of which is a high risk medication A medicines review should also be considered when a patients has the following: *[[Multimorbidity|Multiple conditions]] *[[Frailty: Theoretical Frameworks|Frailty]] *Dominant condition - certain conditions will dominate the clinical picture. [[Dementia]] is an example where the condition's impact will affect and inform decisions. *[[Palliative Care Competence Framework for Physiotherapists|End of life care]]

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