


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:== Basics ==[文件:FluorescentCells.jpg|alt=|thumb|真核细胞骨架。]肌动蛋白丝红色,微管绿色,核蓝色。[]运动蛋白利用ATP水解的能量沿着微管或肌动蛋白丝移动。它们介导丝的相对滑动和膜封闭细胞器沿丝轨道的运输。所有已知的在肌动蛋白丝上移动的运动蛋白都是肌凝蛋白超家族的成员。在微管上移动的动力蛋白是动力蛋白超家族或动力蛋白家族的成员。细胞骨架为细胞提供了一个内部框架,使细胞能够移动和改变形状。肌凝蛋白和运动蛋白超家族是多种多样的,大约有40个基因编码人类的每种蛋白质。在每个超家族的所有成员中共享的唯一结构元素是马达“头”域。这些头部可以附着在各种各样的“尾巴”上,这些“尾巴”附着在不同类型的货物上,使不同的家族成员能够在细胞中执行不同的功能。 Although myosin and kinesin walk along different tracks and use different mechanisms to produce force and movement by ATP hydrolysis, they share a common structural core, suggesting that they are derived from a common ancestor. Two types of specialized motility structures in eukaryotic cells consist of highly ordered arrays of motor proteins that move on stabilized filament tracks. The myosin-actin system of the sarcomere powers the contraction of various types of muscle, including skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. The dynein-microtubule system of the axoneme powers the beating of cilia and the undulations of flagella. '''Below are examples of Molecular Motors in our Bodies.'''

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