


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:解剖学:腰背筋膜(TLF)是覆盖躯干背部深层肌肉的深层膜。在胸椎区域,TLF为脊柱伸肌形成一层薄薄的覆盖物。在内侧,它连接到胸椎的脊柱,在外侧,它连接到[[肋骨]],靠近它们的角度。[文件:胸腰筋膜灰。png|拇指|485x485px|横切面:后腹壁- TLF筋膜的配置。]在腰椎区,TLF分为三层(以前描述为两层,前层和后层):后层:连接腰椎和骶骨棘突以及棘上韧带;中间层(以前的前层):与腰椎横突尖端和横间韧带相连;下面是髂腰韧带;上面是腰肋韧带。#前层(覆盖[[腰方肌]]的筋膜),一薄层,内侧附着于腰椎横突基部;下面是髂腰韧带; above, to the apex and lower border of the last rib. Laterally, it blends with the lumbodorsal fascia, the anterior layer of which intervenes between the Quadratus lumborum and the erector spinae muscles. The three layers unite at the lateral margin of the paraspinal muscles, to form the tendon of origin of the Transversus abdominis. The aponeurosis of origin of the Serratus posterior inferior and the Latissimus dorsi are intimately blended with the TLF.IMAIOS TLF Available: https://www.imaios.com/en/e-Anatomy/Anatomical-Parts/Thoracolumbar-fascia (accessed 14.2.2022) The nuchal fascia (fascia covering the [[Splenius Capitis|splenius]] and [[Semispinalis Capitis|semispinalis capitis]] muscles of the neck as a part of the cervical fascia) is a continuation of the posterior layer of the TLF.IMAIOS Nuchal fascia Available:https://www.imaios.com/en/e-Anatomy/Anatomical-Parts/Nuchal-fascia (accessed 14.2.2022)
The video below gives a good functional view of the TLF{{#ev:youtube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS2lT_gFlus|width}}Education Institute Throacaolumbar fascia Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS2lT_gFlus (last accessed 25.5.2019)

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