


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==足部功能==足部的所有功能都需要足够的机动性和稳定性。机动性是身体吸收地面反作用力所必需的。距下内旋在脚跟初次接触时具有减震作用。Langer PS等。临床电图实用手册。第2版。鹿园:兰格生物力学和运动医学研究基金会,1989年。旋前也是使腿部能够旋转和吸收旋转的影响所必需的。距下旋前通过旋后肌的偏心控制起到减震作用。另一方面,Chopart关节被解锁,使前脚保持宽松和灵活。在站立时,脚需要机动性来适应不同的地面。足部稳定性是为身体提供稳定基础的必要条件。脚需要承受身体重量的能力,并作为一个稳定的杠杆来推动身体前进。 This function requires pronation control of the subtalar joint. Normal foot function provides the foot with the capacity to transform at the right time from a mobile adapter to a rigid lever. The foot needs sufficient mobility to move into all the positions of the gait cycle while maintaining mobility and stability. Physiological mobility is essential; if mobility was too large, the foot would not have the capacity to be stable. When this condition is fulfilled, the joint can support standing in the stable maximally close packed position. When the normal transition of the two functions isn’t normal, many overload injuries can be observed in the foot, leg but also in the lower back. Therefore the three phases of ground contact have to fall in the normal time interval, otherwise some compensation mechanisms (example: genu recurvatum in cases of reduced dorsiflexion) will be used, which cause overuse syndromes.Den Dekker JB, et al. Jaarboek 1991 Fysiotherapie Kinesitherapie, 1st ed, Houten/Zwaventem, Bohn Stafleu Van Longhum,1993. (201-241) (Example: [[Chondromalacia Patellae|chondromalacia]], [[Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome|shin-splints]]) In the transition from midstance to propulsion phase, the mechanisms often fail. The transition from eversion to inversion is facilitated by the tibialis posterior muscle. The muscle is stretched like a spring and potential energy is stored. At the end of the midstance, the muscle passes from eccentric to concentric work and the energy is released. The tibialis posterior muscle then causes abduction and dorsiflexion of the caput tali in which the hindquarter is everted. At the same time, the peroneus longus muscle, at the end of the midstance, will draw the forefoot with a plantar flexion of the first toe. This is how the forefoot becomes stable. When the forefoot moves in the propulsion phase, the [[Windlass Test|windlass phenomena]] starts. When the dorsiflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints begins, the plantar fascia undergoes stress.The calcaneus becomes vertical and teared in inversion. Like this, the hindquarter rests in inversion in the unwinding of the forefoot. When there are some abnormalities in the normal gait cycle of functions of the body, some functional orthosis can be used. This orthosis have the capacity to correct the biomechanical function of the foot. In contrast, insoles only support the arch of the foot. Reduced or limited mobility in the lower limbs can be caused by a articular limitation. In these cases some classic mobilizations or mobilizations according to manual therapy can be applied. When the cause is a muscle shortening some stretching can be prescribed. Also, good (running) shoes are indicated.Shephard R.J. and Taunton J.E., Foot and Ankle in Sport and exercise, Basel, 1987. (p.30-38).

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