


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:= = = 20。Physiopedia隐私政策定义和常见问题=== ====20.1什么是个人信息?==== Physiopedia将“个人信息”定义为可以识别您个人身份的信息,例如您的姓名、电子邮件地址、家庭住址、电话号码或其他可以合理链接到此类信息的数据。====20.2什么是非个人信息?==== Physiopedia将“非个人信息”定义为不能识别个人的数据,无论是单独使用还是与Physiopedia收集的其他信息结合使用。这包括从许多人那里收集的信息,这些信息是匿名的,并聚合成组,因此无法识别单个用户。====20.3收集了哪些信息?==== Physiopedia将“收集的信息”定义为Physiopedia从用户收集的个人和非个人信息。====20.4什么是选择性加入?====“选择加入”是指您主动表明您喜欢参与网站上的程序、电子邮件、功能、工具或增强功能。 Typically, if you “Opt-in” you must provide certain information, usually Personal Information, to the website or otherwise actively indicate your choice or preference to participate in the website program. ====20.5 What is opt-out?==== “Opt-out” means that if you do not take some action you are indicating your preference to participate in a program, email, feature, tool or enhancement on a website. Typically, if you “opt-out” you must uncheck a box next to a stated preference or otherwise take some indicate action to indicate your preference not to participate in a program. ====20.6 What is a Physiopedia Account?==== In order for you to use some Physiopedia services, Physiopedia needs to be able to authenticate you and protect your preferences and personal information from unauthorised access. To do that, Physiopedia asks that you sign up for a unique account, typically secured by your unique email address, a password and your name. No account information is shared with anyone other than Physiopedia except as specified in the Privacy Policy or with your consent.

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