


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==特点/临床表现==使用合成代谢类固醇的临床体征和症状包括:*胸痛Goodman CC, Snyder TE。检查胸部、乳房和肋骨。物理治疗师的鉴别诊断:转诊筛查。第5版。费城:桑德斯出版社,2013。p673 - 712。 *血压升高 *室性心动过速 *射血分数改变(正常值下端:低于55%)Goodman CC, Snyder TE。面试是筛选工具。物理治疗师的鉴别诊断:转诊筛查。第5版。费城:桑德斯出版社,2013。奔跑的- 95。 *体重迅速增加(2-3周10-15磅) *外周水肿 *面部、上背部、胸部痤疮 *身体组成改变,上半身明显发育 *肌肉肥大 *背部、上臂周围有妊娠纹,胸部 *大肌群(如臀部、大腿、三角肌)的针痕 *男性型秃发 *男性型乳房发育(男性乳房组织发育); breast tissue atrophy in females * Frequent hematoma or bruising * Personality changes called “steroid psychosis” (rapid mood swings, sudden increased aggressive or even violent tendencies) * Females: Secondary male characteristics (deeper voice, breast atrophy, abnormal facial and body hair); menstrual irregularities * Abdominal pain, diarrhea * Bladder irritation, urinary frequency, urinary tract infections * Sleep apnea, insomnia * Jaundice (chronic use)
Severe depression leading to suicide can occur with anabolic steroid withdrawal.  In the pediatric population, there is a risk of decreased of delayed bone growth. Tendon or muscle strains are common and take longer than normal to heal.

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