


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==功能==[[文件:胸腰筋膜。jpeg|拇指|alt=|胸腰筋膜]]]深筋膜的坚硬特性使其能够作为一种包含和分离肌肉群的手段,使其进入相对明确的空间,称为“隔室”。深筋膜整合这些隔室并在它们之间传递负荷。大量的躯干和四肢肌肉具有广泛的厚度和几何形状,插入到TLF的结缔组织平面,并可以调节该结构的张力和刚度。TLF在环绕躯干下部的肌筋膜带中很重要,起着稳定和负荷转移的重要作用胸腰筋膜:解剖、功能和临床考虑。张建军,张建军,张建军,等。中国生物医学工程学报,2012,31 (6):557 - 557 。*胸腰筋膜与腰椎后韧带的连接使其在脊柱屈曲时通过筋膜张力帮助支撑脊柱,从而帮助控制腹壁安全负荷的确定。Gracovetsky S Br J Ind Med. 1986 2;43 (2): 120 - 133 < / ref >。*当脊柱完全屈曲时,TLF的长度比中立位增加约30%Gracovetsky S, Farfan H F, Lamy C.腰椎的机制。脊柱1981;6: 249 - 62。< / ref >。 The expansion in length of this tissue is accomplished by a tightening in width. This deformation places ‘strain-energy’ into the tissue, which should be recoverable in the form of reduced muscle work when the spine moves back in extension === Load Transfer Role Limbs === [[File:Muscles back drawing.jpeg|thumb|280x280px|Fascia: long downplayed as an insignificant protective layer on muscles and organs.|alt=]] Vleeming et alThe posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia. Its function in load transfer from spine to legs. Vleeming A, Pool-Goudzwaard AL, Stoeckart R, van Wingerden JP, Snijders CJ. LRSpine (Phila Pa 1976). 1995 Apr 1; 20(7):753-8. have highlighted the importance of the TLF in integrating the activity of muscles (traditionally regarded as belonging to the lower limb, upper limb, spine or pelvis and whose action is thus often considered in that territory alone). They argue that a common attachment to the TLF means that the latter has an important role in integrating load transfer between different regions. In particular they propose that [[Gluteus Maximus|gluteus maximus]] and [[Latissimus Dorsi Muscle|latissimus dorsi]] (two of the largest muscles of the body) contribute to co-ordinating the contralateral pendulum like motions of the upper and lower limbs that characterise eg [[Running Biomechanics|running]] or [[Swimming: Freestyle|swimming]]. They suggest do this via their shared attachment to the posterior layer of the TLF. 

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