


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:韧带==[[踝关节|踝关节]]韧带损伤是引起急性踝关节疼痛最常见的原因。因此,了解踝关节韧带的解剖结构对正确诊断和治疗非常重要。根据其解剖位置,踝关节周围的韧带可分为三组:外侧韧带、内侧三角韧带和连接胫骨和腓骨远端骨骺的胫腓联合韧带。Golanó P, Vega J, De Leeuw PA, Malagelada F, Manzanares MC, Götzens V, Van Dijk CN。[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2855022/踝关节韧带的解剖:一篇图画文章。][j]中国膝关节外科杂志,2010;18(5):557- 569。[[膝关节外侧副韧带|外侧副韧带复合体(LCL)]]由组成:[[文件:踝关节外侧韧带Primal.png|右|无框]]#距腓骨前韧带:它是[[踝关节|踝关节]]中最常受伤的韧带。该韧带在限制[[距骨]]的前移位和[[踝关节|踝关节]]的足底屈曲中起重要作用。距腓骨后韧带:距腓骨后韧带起源于踝窝,位于外踝内侧表面,几乎水平延伸至距骨后外侧。它是外侧脚踝最强壮的韧带。当外侧韧带复合体完好时,仅对踝关节稳定起辅助作用。跟腓骨韧带:跟腓骨韧带起源于外踝前部。 Its primary role is to restrain inversion in a neutral or dorsiflexed position, restrains subtalar inversion, thereby limiting talar tilt within the ankle mortise.[[File:Ligaments of the ankle posterior aspect Primal.png|right|frameless]] The [[Medial Collateral Ligament Injury of the Knee|medial collateral ligament (MCL)]], also known as deltoid ligament, is composed of two layers; superficial and deep. The MCL is a multifascicular ligament, originating from the medial malleolus to insert in the [[talus]], [[calcaneus]], and navicular bone. It primary restrains to valgus tilting of the [[talus]]. Both the superficial and deep layers individually resist eversion of the hindfoot. It also stabilizes [[Ankle Joint|ankle]] against plantar flexion, external rotation, and pronation. The ligaments of the tibiofibular syndesmosis consist of anterior or anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament, the posterior or posteroinferior tibiofibular ligament, and the interosseous tibiofibular ligament. The syndesmotic ligament complex ensures the stability between the distal [[tibia]] and the [[fibula]] and resists the axial, rotational, and translational forces that attempt to separate the [[tibia]] and [[fibula]].

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