


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==合作伙伴和赞助商福利== {| class="wikitable" style="width: 100%;"!”“你得到“!”达到“!”它是如何工作的“!”包括“在页脚| | - - - |商标每月1500000印象|你的标志和链接将出现在5000多页Physiopedia网站战略清单| | - - - |合作伙伴|赞助商和n / a |你会上市[[合作伙伴|合作伙伴页面]]Physiopedia。|是|- |在Physiospot上发表|每月30万访问量|您有机会在我们的在线杂志[http://www.physiospot.com Physiospot]上发表文章。你可以每月在[https://www.physiospot.com/sponsors/合作伙伴类别]发表一篇关于你的组织活动的文章,或者你也可以在[http://www.physiospot.com/opinion/ Voices]建立自己的专栏,分享你与职业相关的想法和观点。这些帖子通过我们的社交媒体策略自动分发。|是|- |通过我们的社交媒体推广|120,000个连接|在我们的社交网络中有120,000多人。在适当的情况下,我们通过社交媒体活动与合作伙伴建立联系。通过我们的社交媒体策略,这种联系只保留给我们的合作伙伴和Physiopedia的主要贡献者。|是|- |在我们的电子邮件通讯中推广| 70000电子邮件订阅用户|我们每月的电子邮件通讯达到70000多人。这是我们分享您的新闻和更新的另一个机会,我们将在电子邮件通讯中包含您的文章,每年最多4次。 This opportunity is exclusive to Physiopedia partners. |Yes |- |Listed in our Annual Report |Shared annually to our community |Every year we produce an annual report that highlights the activities of the Physiopedia charity in the past year. The report is shared openly online and widely with many different professional organisations, such as national member organisations, non-governmental organisations, funding organisations, educational institutions etc. |Yes |- |Pop-up advert on Physiopedia |up to 500,000 impressions per month |The pop-up advert on Physiopedia is the most effective way to get your message in front on the global rehabilitation community. It can reach up to 500,000 every month, can be targeted by country and used for promotional activities and/or surveys. You are entitled to use this space 4 times per year for 1 week at a time. |Exclusive to sponsors |- | Assistance with organisation objectives |n/a |We are always happy to discuss your organisation objectives to explore ways that we can help you meet these objectives. As best we can, we will assist you with your organisation objectives which may include, for example, specific promotional strategies, knowledge translation activities, online course development, even technical assistance from our very experienced team. |Yes |- |Full Plus access |n/a |[https://members.physio-pedia.com Plus ] is our complimentary website that provides online continuing education and professional development for rehabilitation professionals all over the world. We can arrange for your members, staff and/or students to have full access to the platform. |Please discuss with us |- | Partner badge to add to your website |n/a |We will provide you with a partner badge to place on your website or any other promotional material so that you can show your community and networks how your are supporting the global rehabilitation community |Yes |- | Organisation social responsibility |n/a |Physiopedia is a registered charity in the UK. By partnering with Physiopedia you are supporting this charity and this can therefore be considered to be part of your organisations corporate social responsibility programme or conscious company efforts. |Yes |- |Be a part of something big! |Reach the global community |Through your partnership with Physiopedia you will be supporting the sustainability of this free and open resource for our global profession. You will be contributing to education and professional development of rehabilitation professionals all over the world, many in low-resourced and challenging contexts who don't have any other access to professional development resources. |Yes |}

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