


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:半月板在股骨髁和胫骨髁之间有两个半月板。月牙状片,各有前后角,横截面呈三角形。每个半月板的表面上凹,为股骨髁提供一个一致的表面,下平伴随相对平坦的胫骨平台。Ombregt L. [https://books.google.co.za/books?hl=en&lr=&id=YaFsAAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=A+System+of+Orthopaedic+Medicine.+&ots=g5G7lFTraX&sig=8_vw5noTO1i1szQIIoqSgWZvqcs#v=onepage&q=A%20System%20of%20Orthopaedic%20Medicine.]矫形医学体系。第三版。膝关节的应用解剖学。Elsevier Ltd, 2013。p262 - 269。[[内侧半月板]]角离得更远,半月板呈“C”形,而外侧半月板呈“O”形。这是由于[[内侧半月板]]的尺寸增加,不幸的是留下了很大的暴露区域,这反过来又容易受伤。半月板矫正了胫骨和股骨关节面不一致的缺陷,增加了接触面积,改善了重量分布和减震。 They also help to guide and coordinate knee motion, making them very important stabilizers of the knee. The arrangement of the fibres in the menisci allows for axial loads to be dispersed radially decreasing the wear on the hyaline articular cartilage. This is essential as the compressive loads through the knee can reach 1-2 times body weight during gait and stair climbing and an astonishing 3-4 times body weight during running. The menisci are connected with the tibia by coronary ligaments. The [[medial meniscus]] is much less mobile during joint motion than the [[lateral meniscus]] owing in large part to its firm attachment to the knee joint capsule and [[Medial Collateral Ligament of the Knee|medial collateral ligament (MCL)]]. On the lateral side, the meniscus is less firmly attached to the joint capsule and has no attachment to the [[Lateral Collateral Ligament of the Knee|lateral collateral ligament (LCL)]]. In fact, the posterior horn of the [[lateral meniscus]] is separated entirely from the posterolateral aspect of the joint capsule by the tendon of the [[Popliteus Muscle|popliteus muscle]] as it descends from the lateral epicondyle of the [[femur]].Chivers MD, Howitt SD. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2796951/ Anatomy and physical examination of the knee menisci: a narrative review of the orthopedic literature.] The journal of the Canadian chiropractic association 2009;53(4):319. [[File:Coronal section of the knee joint 1 Primal.png|center]]
During the first year of life the menisci are fully vascularized but once weight bearing commences the vascularity diminishes to the outer third (red zone), the red zone being the only area having a slight ability to heal. The inner non-vascularized part (white zone) receives nutrition through diffusion of synovial fluid. The medial and lateral menisci are fibrocartilage structures in the knee that serve two main functions- To deepen the articular surface of the tibia and To act as shock absorbers.

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