


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:药物和跌倒老年人跌倒几乎是由任何作用于大脑或血液循环的药物引起的。导致跌倒的机制有以下一种或多种:Darowski, a ., Dwight, J. and Reynolds, J.(2011)。“跌倒药物指南”。[在线]可在:http://www.bgs.org.uk/campaigns/fallsafe/Falls_drug_guide.pdf[2018年5月22日访问]。 # " '镇静'',反应时间减慢,平衡受损。[[[低血压]],包括3种阵发性低血压综合征:#*[[体位性低血压|体位性低血压]](OH) #*血管降压性颈动脉窦性高敏(CSH) #*血管迷走神经性晕厥(VVS) #[[心律失常:评估|心动过缓、心动过速]]或停搏期(心电图监测仪未记录电活动)“精神药物”是作用于[脑解剖|大脑]]的药物。有充分的证据表明,停用这些药物可以减少跌倒。【参考文献】张丽娟,张丽娟,张丽娟。精神药物戒断和家庭运动预防跌倒的随机对照研究。老年病学杂志1999;47: 850 - 3。 Taking such a medicine roughly doubles the risk of fallingGnjidic D, Hilmer SN, Blyth FM, Naganathan V, Cumming RG, Handelsman DJ, McLachlan AJ, Abernethy DR, Banks E, Le Couteur DG. High‐risk prescribing and incidence of frailty among older community‐dwelling men. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2012 Mar;91(3):521-8.. A case control study of approx 1.3 million people (over 65 )in 2017 found antidepressants were '''the psychotropic most strongly related to fall injuries and antipsychotics''' to hospitalizations and death. Number of psychotropics was associated with increased the risk of fall injuries, hospitalization and death in a dose–response manner. Among persons with dementia a dose–response relationship was found between number of psychotropics and mortality risk .Johnell K, Jonasdottir Bergman G, Fastbom J, Danielsson B, Borg N, Salmi P. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5347947/ Psychotropic drugs and the risk of fall injuries, hospitalisations and mortality among older adults]. International journal of geriatric psychiatry. 2017 Apr;32(4):414-20. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5347947/ (last accessed 8.5.2019) '''Sedatives, antipsychotics, sedating antidepressants''' cause drowsiness and slow reaction times. Some antidepressants and antipsychotics also cause [[Orthostatic Hypotension|orthostatic hypotension]]. Any drug that reduces the [[Blood Pressure|blood pressure]] or slows the heart can cause falls. Symptoms are associated with feeling faint, loss of consciousness or “legs giving way”.Darowski A and Whiting R. Cardiovascular drugs and falls. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 2011, 21 (2), 170-179 In some patients the cause of the fall is clear. Objectively they may be hypotensive, or have a systolic drop on standing. Other patients may have normal blood pressure but have syncope or pre-syncope from carotid sinus hypersensitivity or vasovagal syndrome. Stopping cardiovascular medication reduces syncope and falls by 50%.Van der Velde N, van den Meiracker AH, Pols HA, Stricker BH, van der Cammen TJ. Withdrawal of fall-risk-increasing drugs in older persons: effect on tilt-table test outcomes. J Am Geriatr Soc 2007;55:734–739.Alsop K, MacMahon M. Withdrawing cardiovascular medications at a syncope clinic. Postgrad MJ 2001; 77:403-5.

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