


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:临床意义== [[File:Stroke 2.jpg|thumb]]一项研究表明,急性住院期间的功能恢复与动机等社会心理因素有关。此外,在同一时期,也发现了功能恢复和抑郁之间的联系。这表明心理社会因素可以影响物理治疗和康复结果。研究发现,心理社会因素与脊髓损伤患者的管理有关,因此,物理治疗师应该意识到这些因素,并在管理这些患者时采取相应的行动。Jagadamba出版社;2015.可从:https://ascon.info/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/psychosocial-guidelines15.pdf[访问日期:2020年12月10日]。“[[卒中]]患者”:卒中患者的抑郁可能被认为是一种生物学过程,与受影响区域的大小和位置有关[[Brain Anatomy| Brain]]。它被称为脑卒中后抑郁,可能会减慢康复速度,影响患者的预后,对低功能状态和脑卒中幸存者的生活质量产生负面影响,并产生继发性并发症。抑郁症被认为在卒中失语症患者中比非失语症患者更常见,并且当对其进行医学治疗时,研究表明死亡率降低[参考]Jeong YJ, Kim WC, Kim YS, Choi KW, Son SY, Jeong YG。 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4155231/ The relationship between rehabilitation and changes in depression in stroke patients]. Journal of physical therapy science. 2014;26(8):1263-6.Kincheloe HB. [https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1277&context=utpp The Impact of Depression on Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Aphasia who Participate in an Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program] (ICAP).2018. As our overall goal of rehabilitation is to optimize quality of life by improve one’s adaptation to a disability and cope with functional improvement, the physician will sometimes need to deal with depression before dealing with physical rehab. Depression can hinder the progress of physical rehabilitation, as it can lead to decreased motivation and participation in therapy. Therefore, addressing depression can be a crucial step in achieving successful rehabilitation outcomes. '''[[Athletes with difficult or longstanding neuromusculoskeletal symptoms|Athletic injury]]''' '''rehab''': the rehab process may be affected by psychological responses such as loss of identity, fear, anxiety, loss of confidence, denial of injury, rapid mood swing, and unreasonable fear of re-injury. Though using goal setting, [[Cognitive Behavioural Therapy|cognitive]] structures, maintain patient motivated, and psychological support are helpful strategies for faster recovery and coping with the process of rehabilitation and social strategy. '''In [[Critical Care Assessment|critical care]]'''[[Critical Care Assessment|:]] after discharge from critical care younger and older patients showed significant incidence of long-term cognitive and psychological dysfunction that impact on long-term function and quality of lifeClancy O, Edginton T, Casarin A, Vizcaychipi MP. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5606436/. The psychological and neurocognitive consequences of critical illness]. A pragmatic review of current evidence. Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 2015 Aug;16(3):226-33.. These findings highlight the importance of follow-up care and rehabilitation programs for patients after discharge from critical care, especially for older patients who may be more vulnerable to cognitive decline. Healthcare providers should also consider implementing strategies to prevent or mitigate these long-term effects.

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