


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:神经回路在我们的头骨中发现的1.4公斤的果冻状物质是地球上,也许是宇宙中最复杂的机器。如果没有组成它的数千亿神经元,更重要的是,这些神经元之间的回路,它的非凡特征是不可能实现的。[https://nba.uth.tmc.edu/neuroscience/m/s1/introduction.html神经元和神经元网络简介。]神经科学教材。2013年5月。可从:https://nba.uth.tmc.edu/neuroscience/m/s1/introduction.html(访问于2020年12月17日)获得。[[文件:膝跳反射.png|右|无框|500x500px]] *神经元从不孤立地工作;它们被组织成处理特定类型信息的电路。虽然神经回路的排列根据预期的功能有很大的不同,但有些特征是所有这些回路的特征。*定义电路的突触连接通常是由密集的树突、轴突终末和胶质细胞过程组成的,它们共同构成了neuropil(后缀-pil来自希腊语pilos,意思是“感觉”)。*神经细胞体之间的神经节是大多数突触连接发生的区域。*任何特定电路中信息流的方向对于理解其功能至关重要。三种神经元是所有神经回路的基本组成部分。 *# Nerve cells that carry information toward the central nervous system (or farther centrally within the spinal cord and brain) are called '''afferent neurons''' *# Nerve cells that carry information away from the brain or spinal cord (or away from the circuit in question) are called '''efferent neurons'''. *# Nerve cells that only participate in the local aspects of a circuit are called '''interneurons''' or local circuit neuronsPurves D, Augustine G, Fitzpatrick D, Katz L, LaMantia A, McNamara J. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11154/ Construction of neural circuits.] Purves D, Augustine G, Fitzpatrick D, Katz L, LaMantia A, McNamara J, editors. 1997:395-417.Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11154/(accessed 17.12.2020). [[File:Brain .png.jpeg|right|frameless]] A simple example is the circuit that subserves the myotatic (or “knee-jerk”) spinal reflex. See Image above: This figure shows the monosynaptic reflex pathway stimulating muscle contraction and the di-synaptic reflex inhibiting contraction of the antagonistic muscle. Considerable progress has been made in understanding how different simple neural networks are involved in information processing and mediating behavior. Feedforward excitation and feedforward inhibition mediate reflex behaviors. Lateral inhibition is important for edge enhancement. Recurrent excitation is an important mechanism for memory. Recurrent inhibition can be important for generating locomotor behavior. Convergence and divergence are embedded in these microcircuits. The same kinds of network motifs are recapitulated in biochemical and gene networks. The next level of understanding is at the level of the neuronal networks that mediate more complex ie higher-order functions of the brain. Their understanding is becoming possible through the use of electrophysiological and optical recording techniques, and modern imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). fMRI allows investigators to identify areas of the brain that are engaged in cognitive tasks, whereas DTI allows visualization of pathways linking one brain region to another.

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