


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:特征/临床表现==有明显外伤史时应考虑骨盆骨折。骨盆骨折可通过耻骨、髂骨、髋部和骶骨的压痛、疼痛、瘀伤、肿胀和肌痛来识别。其他表现因素有:血尿、直肠出血、血肿、腿部神经和血管异常。物理表现可能包括下肢位置异常和骨盆畸形或骨盆不稳定。对于撕脱伤,通常会有与受累肌肉收缩相关的疼痛。 Richard Aghababian。急诊医学要点。Jones&Bartlett出版社,2010.(书)必须区分高冲击不稳定骨折和低冲击稳定骨盆骨折。这可以通过确定创伤的环境来实现。不稳定骨折的患者通常无法站立,而稳定骨折的患者通常可以独立行走。骨盆骨折可以通过几种分类系统进行分类。 The two most commonly used systems are Tiles classification and the Young-Burgess Classification. '''Classification of pelvic fractures by Tile is based on the integrity of the posterior sacroiliac complex'''.    *Type A: rotationally and vertically stable, the sacroiliac complex is intact. Type A fractures are mostly managed non-operatively.
o A1: avulsion fractures
o A2: stable iliac wing fractures or minimally displaced pelvic ring fractures
o A3: transverse sacral or coccyx fractures *Type B: rotationally unstable and vertically stable, caused by external or internal rotational forces, results in partial disruption of the posterior sacroiliac complex.
o B1: open-book injuries
o B2: lateral compression injuries
o B3: bilateral rotational instability *Type C: rotationally unstable and vertically unstable, complete disruption of the posterior sacroiliac complex. These unstable fractures are mostly caused by high-energy trauma like falls from height, motor vehicle accidents or crushing injuries.
o C1: unilateral injury
o C2: bilateral injuries in which one side is rotationally unstable and the contralateral side is vertically unstable
o C3: bilateral injury in which both sides are vertically unstable [[Image:Classification by Tile.png|400px|alt=]]
70 - 80% of all pelvic injuries are type A or type B fractures. '''Classification of pelvic fractures by Young and Burgess is based on the mechanism of injury.''' Mechemm C. C. et al, [https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/825869-overview Pelvic Fracture in Emergency Medicine], medscape, august 2015. Accessed 26 May 2022.Tai DK, Li WH, Lee KY, Cheng M, Lee KB, Tang LF, Lai AK, Ho HF, Cheung MT. [https://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/FullText/2011/10000/Retroperitoneal_Pelvic_Packing_in_the_Management.65.aspx Retroperitoneal pelvic packing in the management of hemodynamically unstable pelvic fractures: a level I trauma center experience.] Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2011 Oct 1;71(4):E79-86.Flint L, Cryer HG. [https://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/Fulltext/2010/09000/The_Value_of_Trauma_Center_Care.1.aspx Pelvic fracture: the last 50 years.] Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. 2010 Sep 1;69(3):483-8.  * Anterior posterior compression * Lateral compression *Vertical shear *Complex: a combination of any three primary patterns The Young and Burgess classification system is limited as it provides little guidance for treatment. Alton, Timothy B., and Albert O. Gee. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4079881/ Classifications in brief: young and burgess classification of pelvic ring injuries]. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 472.8 (2014): 2338. Accessed 26 May 2022.
[[Image:Classification by Young and Burgess.png|600px]]

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