


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==方案== ===校准:=== *在进行肺量测定之前,必须校准所使用的设备,或至少在疗程开始时检查校准。校准程序因设备而异。阅读与您的肺活量计相关的说明以获取更多信息。如果校准失败,有些仪表需要返回制造商进行维修。使用生物对照(在您的团队中工作的健康人)每周检查肺活量值被认为是最佳的。===患者体位:===正确的测量姿势如下:*直立坐姿:只要患者坐直且没有任何限制,患者从坐姿与站姿呼出的空气量是有差异的。Patel AK, Thakar HM。坐、站和仰卧位的肺活量测定值。中华肺科杂志。2015;2(1): 00026。Melam G, Buragadda S, Alhusaini A, Alghamdi M, Alghamdi M, Kaushal P.不同体位对哮喘患者FVC和FEV1测量的影响。 Journal of physical therapy science.2014; 26(4) 591-593. 10.1589/jpts.26.591. *Feet flat on the floor with legs uncrossed: no use of abdominal muscles for leg position. *Loosen tight-fitting clothing *Dentures normally left in: it is best to have some structure to the mouth area unless dentures are very loose. *Use a chair with arms: when exhaling maximally, patients can become light-headed and possibly sway or faint. In the hospital setting, it may be impossible for your patient to sit in a chair, therefore, the position of the patient (usually supine) should be the same and documented for future testing. === Technique: === There are a number of different techniques for performing spirometry. However, most commonly the patient takes a deep breath in, as large as possible, and blows out as hard and as fast as possible and keeps going until there is no air left. PEF is obtained from the FEV1 and FVC maneuver. Encouragement makes a big difference, so don't be afraid to raise your voice to encourage the patient, particularly near the end of the maneuver. The patient needs to keep blowing until no more air comes out . Some patients, particularly those with obstructive disease, may find it difficult to exhale completely on a forced maneuver. === Quality: === An acceptable maneuver is defined as follows: *An explosive start (no hesitation or sigmoid curve) with a back-extrapolation volume <150 mL (fig. 1) *The maneuver was performed with a maximal inspiration and expiration. *No glottis closure or cessation of airflow occurred during the maneuver (e.g. by hesitation or blocking the mouthpiece). *No coughs (particularly during the first second), inspirations during the trace or evidence of leaks. The best FEV1 and FVC can be taken from different maneuvers. There can be problems with reproducibility: forced expiration can cause bronchoconstriction, so there must be ≥30 seconds between maneuvers. For some patients, particularly [[Asthma|asthmatics]], several minutes may need to be left.

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