


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==损伤机制/病理过程==外侧踝关节扭伤通常发生在身体重心在着地或负重足的快速移动过程中。脚踝向外转动,而脚向内转动,导致外侧韧带拉伸和撕裂。当韧带撕裂或过度拉伸时,其先前的弹性和恢复力很少能恢复正常。一些研究人员描述了过早恢复比赛的情况,影响了韧带的充分修复。Hubbard TJ, Hicks-Little CA.急性踝关节扭伤后踝关节韧带愈合:循证方法。运动训练杂志。2008年9月,43(5):523 - 9。报道提出足底屈曲程度越大,扭伤的可能性越高Hubbard TJ, Hicks-Little CA。急性踝关节扭伤后踝关节韧带愈合:循证方法。运动训练杂志。2008年9月,43(5):523 - 9。< / ref >。基于对94名巴西年轻竞技排球和篮球运动员的研究,结果表明,当运动员左小腿优势,腓短肌肌电反应时间大于80ms,使用无减震器的鞋子和打球位置 mor -Pacheco a, Meyer F, Pacheco I, Candotti CT, Sedrez JA, Loureiro-Chaves RF, Loss JF时,踝关节扭伤的可能性为80.6%。 Ankle sprain risk factors: a 5-month follow-up study in volley and basketball athletes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. 2019 Jul 1;25:220-5.. In addition to that, Yeung et al, 1994, in an epidemiological study of unilateral ankle sprains, reported that the dominant leg is 2.4 times more vulnerable to sprain than the non-dominant one. Roos KG, Kerr ZY, Mauntel TC, Djoko A, Dompier TP, Wikstrom EA. The epidemiology of lateral ligament complex ankle sprains in National Collegiate Athletic Association sports. The American journal of sports medicine. 2017 Jan;45(1):201-9.. A less common mechanism of injury involves forceful eversion movement at the ankle injuring the strong deltoid ligament.   {| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" |- | [[Image:Inversion-Eversion.png|left|380px]] | [[Image:Ankle-Sprains.jpg|left|380px]] |} {| width="100%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" |- ! scope="col" | Aspect ! scope="col" | Mechanism of injury ! scope="col" | Ligaments |- | Lateral | Inversion and plantarflexion | anterior talofibular ligament
calcaneo-fibular ligament
posterior talofibular ligament |- | Medial | Eversion | posterior tibiotalar ligament
tibiocalcaneal ligament
tibionavicular ligament
anterior tibiotalar ligament |- | High | External rotation and dorsiflextion | anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament
posterior-inferior tibiofibular ligamen
transverse tibiofibular ligament
interosseous membrane
interosseous ligament
inferior transverse ligament |}

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