


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==生命的终结==关于死亡和绝症的讨论对病人、家属和ahp来说都是一个艰难的挑战。由于ahp经常试图保护他们的病人不受坏消息的影响,临终讨论通常被避免。Fallowfield LJ, Jenkins VA, Beveridge HA。真相可能伤人,但欺骗伤害更大:姑息治疗中的沟通。[j] .中华医学杂志,2002;16(4):297-303. [/ref]Fallowfield举例说明了这样一个事实,即卫生专业人员经常认为,患者听到自己疾病的真相后,有失去希望、变得沮丧、不能充分利用剩余时间的风险。。 然而,我们也发现,由于绝症而产生焦虑和抑郁的患者在初级保健中对其病情的了解并不充分。Rose JH, Radziewicz R, Bowmans KF, O'Toole EE。为诊断为晚期癌症的老年患者量身定制的应对和沟通支持干预。[j] .中华临床医学杂志;2008;31 (1):77-95.]因此,很明显,不应该避免关于绝症的对话,以改善患者对其病情的焦虑和接受。缺乏传递临终疾病和死亡信息的知识和技能是ahp与临终病人有效沟通的主要障碍。Black K.卫生保健专业人员的死亡态度、经历和临终指示沟通行为。 Death Stud 2007;31(6):563-572.. Student AHPs reported that discussing issues regarding terminal illness with patients to be difficult and uncomfortable, stating they lacked the appropriate communication training Hjörleifsdóttir E, Carter DE. Communicating with terminally ill cancer patients and their families. Nurse Educ Today 2000;20(8):646-653.. The study examined students with formal training in communicating terminal illness and found these students were more confident in addressing these sensitive issues . Therefore, education can positively influence an AHPs self-efficacy with regards to initiating conversations with patients about their terminal illness. The health professional being sensitive to the appropriate time to open a discussion regarding this sensitive topic is also a crucial skill when dealing with those with terminal illnesses Clayton JM, Butow PN, Tattersall MH. When and how to initiate discussion about prognosis and end-of-life issues with terminally ill patients. J Pain Symptom Manage 2005;30(2):132-144..  A second barrier is an AHP’s discomfort with discussing death to a patient or their family members Curtis JR, Patrick DL. Barriers to Communication About End‐of‐Life Care in AIDS Patients. Journal of general internal medicine 1997;12(12):736-741. According to an interview conducted by Curtis and Patrick, one physician identified this barrier as, “an elephant in the room that you do not want to talk about”. Whether it is AHP discomfort or attempts to protect the patient, ambiguous statements regarding terminal illness can result in negative psychological consequences . Therefore, AHPs should strive to fully inform patients about their condition and prognosis, to allow the patient and their families to cope with and accept their situation.

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