


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:J.D.报告说他在课间休息时摔倒的次数比较多。他说,这种情况经常发生在他和朋友们玩捉人游戏的时候。他经常被课间班长送到办公室。他在朋友面前表达了受伤的沮丧和尴尬。正因为如此,他担心自己不会被要求参加比赛,会被排除在外。他的母亲报告说,她开始注意到J.D.在家里上下楼梯要花更长的时间。她还指出,当他们遛狗的时候,J.D.走到一半就累了,想要回家。“PedsQL”代表了孩子和父母对疾病对他们自身功能和幸福的影响的看法,这些措施中最令人担忧的是父母和孩子在身体和社会功能量表中报告的低评级。这位家长还自我报告了对儿子沟通问题的担忧,以及对家庭资源的担忧。在这两项测试中,母亲的得分都较低。 This could indicate that J.D. is not aware of his physical limitations, however, his mother is able to see that he is at a lower functional level than his peers. [[PedsQL]] 4.0 - Generic Core Scales {| class="wikitable" !Scale !Parent Proxy-Report !Child Self-Report |- |Total |61% |70% |- |Physical Functioning |50% |56% |- |Emotional Functioning |70% |80% |- |Social Functioning |60% |75% |- |School Functioning |70% |75% |} ==== PedsQL 3.0 - Neuromuscular Model ==== {| class="wikitable" !Scale !Parent Proxy-Report !Child Self-Report |- |Total |70% |80% |- |About My Neuromuscular Disorder |72% |81% |- |Communication |67% |75% |- |About our Family Resources |65% |80% |} The [[Faces Pain Scale]] was used to monitor J.D.'s perceived level of pain.Hicks CL, Von Baeyer CL, Spafford PA, van Korlaar I, Goodenough B. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304395901003141 The Faces Pain Scale – Revised: toward a common metric in pediatric pain measurement.] Pain. 2001;93(2):173-83. We asked J.D. to rate his pain currently, over the past 24 hours, and after playing outside during recess. The results indicated an increased level of pain with increased levels of activity. ==== Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) ==== * Current = 2/10 * After playing during recess = 6/10 * Over the past day = 4/10

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