


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:[[文件:简单细胞呼吸作用。png|400x400px|alt=|拇指|简单细胞呼吸作用]]线粒体最著名的作用是产生能量(然而,只有大约3%的基因需要使线粒体进入其能量生产设备)。大多数[[三磷酸腺苷(ATP)|ATP]]是在线粒体中通过一系列反应产生的,称为柠檬酸循环或克雷布斯循环。能量的产生主要发生在细胞膜的褶皱或嵴上,线粒体将我们所吃的食物中的化学能转化为细胞可以利用的能量形式。这个过程被称为氧化磷酸化。耐力训练可以增加线粒体的体积和数量(这些变化的幅度取决于训练的频率和强度)。< ref > Hickson RC。骨骼肌细胞色素c和肌红蛋白,耐力和训练频率。J:。杂志。1981;51:746-9。其他功能:*细胞死亡(凋亡)是生命的重要组成部分。当细胞变老或破碎时,它们就会被清除和破坏。 Mitochondria help decide which cells are destroyed. Mitochondria release cytochrome C, which activates caspase, one of the chief enzymes involved in destroying cells during apoptosis. Because certain diseases, such as cancer, involve a breakdown in normal apoptosis, mitochondria are thought to play a role in the disease. * Storing Calcium: calcium is vital for a number of cellular processes. Eg releasing calcium back into a cell can initiate the release of a [[Neurotransmitters|neurotransmitter]] from a [[neurone]] or [[hormones]] from endocrine cells. Calcium is also necessary for [[muscle]] function, fertilization, and [[blood]] clotting, among other things. Because calcium is so critical, the cell regulates it tightly. Mitochondria play a part in this by quickly absorbing calcium ions and holding them until they are needed. Other roles for calcium in the cell include regulating cellular metabolism, steroid synthesis, and [[Hormones|hormone]] signaling. * Heat production: when we are cold, we shiver to keep warm. But the body can also generate heat in other ways, one of which is by using a tissue called brown fat. During a process called proton leak, mitochondria can generate heat. This is known as non-shivering thermogenesis. Brown fat is found at its highest levels in babies, when we are more susceptible to cold, and slowly levels reduce as we [[Ageing and Changes in Other Systems|age]]. === Mitochondria in Health and Diseases === Mitochondria have been recognized as the “power plants” that provide over 90% of ATP required for cell metabolism. Also, they are engaged in other aspects of cell metabolism and function and participate in the regulation of ion homeostasis, cell growth, redox status, cell signaling, and, thus, play a pivotal role in both cell survival and cell death mechanismsJavadov S, Kozlov AV, Camara AK. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7290976/ Mitochondria in Health and Diseases].2020 Available from:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7290976/ (accessed 10.1.2021). * Due to their central role in cell life and death, mitochondria are also involved in the pathogenesis and progression of numerous human diseases eg [[Oncology|cancer]], [[Neurodegenerative Disease|neurodegenerative]] and [[Cardiovascular Disease|cardiovascular]] disorders, [[diabetes]], [[Overview of Traumatic Brain Injury|traumatic brain injury]], and inflammation. * During life, it’s inevitable that mutations will occur in the mitochondrial genome in an individual’s neurons, muscle, and all other cells. Compelling work now suggests that the accumulation of these mistakes may contribute to the progressive nature of late-onset degenerative diseases such as [[Alzheimer's Disease|Alzheimer]]’s and [[Parkinson's|Parkinson]]’sQBI [https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-anatomy/mitochondria-what-are-they-and-why-do-we-have-them Mitochondria] Available from:https://qbi.uq.edu.au/brain/brain-anatomy/mitochondria-what-are-they-and-why-do-we-have-them (accessed10.1.2021). * see also [[Mitochondrial Myopathy|mitochondrial myopathies]]

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