


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:技巧:首先要求来访者按照指示做一个动作,在治疗师的阻力下保持等距收缩,数到5。C5-肩部外展。要求患者同时将双臂举向身体两侧,同时检查者提供阻力。比较每只手臂的力量。C6- ''肘关节屈曲和手腕伸展。“通过从上方握住患者的手腕,并指示他们‘将手弯曲到肩部’来测试下臂弯曲的力量。”在手腕处提供阻力。重复并与另一只手臂进行比较。这是在测试肱二头肌。测试“腕伸”的力度,让患者伸展手腕,而检查者不做动作。 This tests the forearm extensors. Repeat with the other arm. C7- '''Elbow extension & wrist flexion.''' Ask the patient to extend their forearm against the examiner's resistance. Begin their extension from a fully flexed position because this part of the movement is most sensitive to a loss in strength. This tests the triceps. Note any asymmetry in the other arm. C8- '''Finger Flexion.''' Examine the patient's hands. Look for intrinsic hand, thenar and hypothenar muscle wasting. Test the patient's grip by having the patient hold the examiner's fingers in their fist tightly and instructing them not to let go while the examiner attempts to remove them. Normally the examiner cannot remove their fingers. This tests the forearm flexors and the intrinsic hand muscles. Compare the hands for strength asymmetry. Finger flexion is innervated by the C8 nerve root via the median nerve. C8- '''Finger abduction & adduction.''' Test the intrinsic hand muscles once again by having the patient abduct or "fan out" all of their fingers. Instruct the patient to not allow the examiner to compress them back in. Normally, one can resist the examiner from replacing the fingers. Finger abduction or "fanning" is innervated by the T1 nerve root via the ulnar nerve. C8 & T1- '''Thumb Opposition.''' To complete the motor examination of the upper extremities, test the strength of the thumb opposition by telling the patient to touch the tip of their thumb to the tip of their pinky finger. Apply resistance to the thumb with your index finger. Repeat with the other thumb and compare. Thumb opposition is innervated by the C8 and T1 nerve roots via the median nerve. L1 & L2 : '''Hip Flexion.''' Proceeding to the lower extremities, first test the flexion of the hip by asking the patient to lie down and raise each leg separately while the examiner resists. Repeat and compare with the other leg. This tests the iliopsoas muscles. L3: '''Knee Extension.''' Test extension at the knee by placing one hand under the knee and the other on top of the lower leg to provide resistance. Ask the patient to "kick out" or extend the lower leg at the knee. Repeat and compare to the other leg. This tests the quadriceps muscle. L4: '''Ankle Dorsiflexion.''' Test dorsiflexion of the ankle by holding the top of the ankle and have the patient pull their foot up towards their face as hard as possible. Repeat with the other foot. This tests the muscles in the anterior compartment of the lower leg. L5: '''Great toe extension.''' Ask the patient to move the large toe against the examiner's resistance "up towards the patient's face". This tests the extensor halucis longus muscle. S1: '''Ankle plantarflexion and eversion/knee flexion.''' Holding the bottom of the foot, ask the patient to press down as hard as possible. Or in standing rise up onto the ball of their foot. Repeat with the other foot and compare. This tests the [[gastrocnemius]] and [[soleus]] muscles in the posterior compartment of the lower leg. S2: '''Knee flexion.'''Test flexion at the knee by holding the knee from the side and applying resistance under the ankle and instructing the patient to pull the lower leg towards their buttock as hard as possible. Repeat with the other leg. This tests the [[hamstrings]]. Slide share. [https://www.slideshare.net/TafzzSailo/special-test-for-dermatomes-and-myotomes Dermatomes and myotomes]. Available from: https://www.slideshare.net/TafzzSailo/special-test-for-dermatomes-and-myotomes (last accessed 22.4.2019)

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