


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:性活动性行为和亲密关系是患者生活的组成部分,在患者康复过程中往往被避免、忽视和治疗不足。Hordern A, Grainger M, Hegarty S, Jefford M, White V, Sutherland G.讨论临床环境中的性行为:肿瘤卫生专业人员简短培训计划对加强性行为沟通的影响。《亚太临床肿瘤学杂志》2009;5(1):270-277性是一个通常被卫生专业人员和患者回避的话题,因为许多人不愿意公开讨论性问题。当这个话题出现在卫生保健环境中时,卫生保健专业人员和患者都会发现这个话题令人尴尬和难以讨论。骨科、呼吸科、外科、肿瘤科和全科是患者可能会对性问题产生担忧的几个医疗保健领域。Brandenburg U, Bitzer J.谈论性的挑战:医患互动的重要性。尽管患者和专业人员之间需要在各个领域就性和亲密行为进行对话,但许多AHP和患者仍然不愿意讨论这个话题。一项对170名参加全科医生预约的患者的调查发现,35%的男性和42%的女性患有某种形式的性功能障碍。Gott M, Galena E, Hinchliff S, Elford, H.“打开一个蠕虫罐头”:全科医生和执业护士在初级保健中谈论性健康的障碍。家庭实践2004;21(5):528-536。然而,只有2%的全科医生记录了关于性的讨论,尽管70%的患者认为全科医生是他们应该讨论性健康的人。研究发现,患者与专业人员就性健康问题进行沟通的障碍是缺乏时间、尴尬和缺乏知识。Macdowall W, Parker R, Nanchahal K, Ford C, Lowbury R, Robinson A, Sherrard J, Martins H, Fasey N, Wellings K.“谈论性”:在初级保健中使用的性健康沟通工具的开发和试验。 Patient Education and Counselling 2010;81; 332-337. Time constraints is the most commonly reported barrier to communication about sexual health. AHPs have referred to the conversation as 'opening a can of worms' and state that once the conversation has started you have to see it all the way through no matter how limited your time or resources. The fact that sexual health takes specialist knowledge has also resulted in some AHPs feeling ill-prepared to address patient concerns. Studies have shown that health professionals’ skills and attitudes are addressed during professional education and training courses, however dedicated courses are usually poorly attended. Although dedicated courses exist to address these barriers, many AHPs report that they would rather not ask about sexual health unless the patient raises any concerns. However, this may be problematic as a study by the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals found that 68% of patients did not approach the topic of sex with health professionals for fear of being embarassed.Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.Talking to patients about sexuality and sexual health. https://www.arhp.org/publications-and-resources/clinical-fact-sheets/sexuality-and-sexual-health (accessed 13 October 2014). Participants have also reported being surprised when sexual activity was mentioned as they had not previously considered it as a problematic physical activity. This supports the need for health professionals to initiate a conversation regarding sexual health.

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