


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==臀中肌抑制==正如vladimir Janda所提到的,臀中肌是我们身体中容易因多种原因而受到抑制的相肌之一:#站立时,体重主要集中在一条下肢,骨盆侧摇,髋关节内收。睡觉时两下肢之间没有波浪会导致上肢屈曲和内收。另一条腿 #长时间盘腿坐会使臀部外展肌处于某种拉长的位置(超出休息时的生理长度),从而有可能削弱臀部外展肌。当臀中肌受到抑制时,身体必须通过其他肌肉来补偿,以维持额平面的稳定和防止骨盆下降,因此同侧阔筋膜张肌和对侧腰方肌的活动将增加,导致这些肌肉变得紧绷和过度活跃。金洪杰,李洪生,郑宏光。[j] . [http://www.jkspm.org/journal/view.html?doi=10.13066/kspm.2017.12.3.59]骨盆倾斜对侧卧式髋关节外展肌活动的影响[j] .中华物理医学杂志,2017,12(3):59-66 . [/ref]Janda提到腰方肌和阔筋膜张肌是强直肌,容易紧绷和过度活跃。*此肌无力与下肢肌肉骨骼病理相关Barton CJ, Lack S, Malliaras P, Morrissey D. [https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/47/4/207臀肌活动与髌股疼痛综合征:一项系统综述。英国运动医学杂志。2012年9月3日:bjsports-2012。和中风后的步态障碍。【参考文献】刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,刘建军。[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1545968308317972中风后步态恢复:有什么变化?] Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair]. 2008 Nov 1;22(6):676-83. * There is a relationship between a weak or dysfunctional GM and many lower extremity injuries such as: Trendelenburg gait[[Iliotibial Band Syndrome|, Illio-tibial band (ITB) syndrome]], [[Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome|Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)]] , Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and other knee injuries, ankle injuries. * The [[Trendelenburg Gait|Trendelenburg sign]] is when the muscle is unable to work efficiently due to pain, poor mechanics or weakness, the pelvis will drop on the '''opposite side '''to the weakness. A trunk compensation is often observed with a Trendelenburg gait. A very impressive research about the validity of Trendelenburg sign shown that the test should not be used with healthy individuals whose glutes medius has a strength of greater than 30% BW. It`s only could be used with marked weakness patients. This means that you could actually have an inhibited Glutes medius and the Trendelenburg sign is '''negative''' .KendallK. D., Patel C., Wiley J. P., Pohl M. B., Emery C. A., etal [https://insights.ovid.com/pubmed?pmid=22797529 .''Steps Toward the Validation of the Trendelenburg Test.''] ''Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.jan 2013: 23(1): 45–51.'' === Activation of Glutes medius === There are many exercises that help in activation of Glutes medius each exercise activate Glutes medius by a certain percentage as shown by EMG activity. We divide them as following: {| class="wikitable" !level of Gluteus medius activation !Types of exercises |- |Moderate-level activation (21–40% MVIC) | # Prone bridge plank (27% ± 11% MVIC) # Bridging on stable surface (28% ± 17% MVIC) # Lunge-neutral trunk position (34% MVIC) # Unilateral mini-squat (36% ± 17% MVIC) # Retro step-up (37% ± 18% MVIC) # Clam with 60° hip flexion (38% ± 29% MVIC) # Sideways lunge (39% ± 19& MVIC) # Clam with 30° hip flexion (40% ± 38% MVIC) |- |High-level activation (41–60% MVIC) | # Lateral step-up (41% MVIC) # Quadruped with contralateral arm and leg lift (42% ± 17% MVIC) # ) Forward step-up (44% ± 17% MVIC) # Unilateral bridge (47% ± 24% MVIC) # Transverse lunge (48% ± 21% MVIC) # Wall squat (52% ± 22% MVIC) # Side-lying hip abduction (56% MVIC) # Pelvic drop (57% ± 32% MVIC) # Single-limb deadlift (58% ± 22% MVIC) |- |Very high-level activation (>60% MVIC) | # Single-limb squat (64% ± 24% MVIC) # Side-bridge to neutral spine position (74% ± 30% MVIC). |} * MVIC = maximum voluntary isometric contraction The prone bridge/plank '''are unique''' from the other exercises because of it`s static nature to '''maintain a neutral hip and spine position during this exercise so it focuses on''' GMed’s role as a hip and spine stabilizer'''.''' {{#ev:youtube|lK6t07Qy8kc|300}}

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