


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==暴力和攻击行为==医疗保健专业人员经常参与的创伤性情况可能导致与患者及其亲人的互动变得充满紧张Duxbury J, Whittington R.患者攻击和暴力的原因和管理:工作人员和患者的观点。[J] .中华护理杂志,2005;50(5):469-478.]在这些情况下,沮丧、焦虑、不确定和无助升级为更具攻击性和危险的行为是很常见的;王晓明,王晓明。沟通技巧干预对社区医护人员攻击行为的影响。《国际护理学杂志》2014.。研究表明,医疗环境中的言语和身体暴力不仅变得普遍,而且已成为某些医疗保健专业的一部分,特别是对急诊科(ED)护士而言Pich J, Hazelton M, Sundin D, Kable A.针对急诊科护士的患者相关暴力。护理卫生科学2010,12(2):268-274.。虽然对这一现象的一个可能的解释是,急症室的工作人员处理最紧急和最严重的医疗事件,但研究表明,他们并不是孤立地暴露于暴力和攻击行为(VAB) 。一项研究Whittington R, Shuttleworth S, Hill L.综合医院对工作人员的暴力行为。中华护理杂志1996;24(2):326-333。 found that 22% of radiographers, 19% of doctors, 10% of occupational therapists and 17% of physiotherapists had been assaulted within the last year. Although the UK government has introduced a zero tolerance policy towards VAB in all NHS settings, the incidence has only increasedNational Audit Office. A Safer Place to Work: Protecting NHS Hospital and Ambulance Staff from Violence and Aggression. 2003; Available at: http://www.nao.org.uk/report/a-safer-place-to-work-protecting-nhs-hospital-and-ambulance-staff-from-violence-and-aggression/. Accessed November 2nd, 2014.. Therefore, there is a need for all AHPs to acquire the skills to de-escalate and cope with violent and aggressive patients and their family members. Hahn et al. (2012) reported that VAB was often managed by AHPs through either urging the person to stop their behaviour or by leaving the sceneHahn S, Hantikainen V, Needham I, Kok G, Dassen T, Halfens RJ. Patient and visitor violence in the general hospital, occurrence, staff interventions and consequences: a cross‐sectional survey. J Adv Nurs 2012;68(12):2685-2699.. These approaches are in accordance with zero tolerance policy, but have been demonstrated to be ineffective in combating VAB. Communication using de-escalation strategies were found to be much more effective in coping with patients who are becoming aggressive . However, barriers such as fear, frustration, empathy and lack of skill or knowledge prevent AHPs from communicating with disgruntled patients; . A survey of 64 AHP students found that more than half were involved in an incident of VAB, with 94% stating they did not feel adequately prepared to handle such a situationStubbs B, Rayment N, Soundy A. Physiotherapy students’ experience, confidence and attitudes on the causes and management of violent and aggressive behaviour. Physiotherapy 2011;97(4):313-318. Empathy is a barrier to communication often overlooked when dealing with violent or aggressive patients . Although some factors leading to aggressive behaviours are within the patients control, such as alcohol consumption, many environmental factors can cause anxiety, helplessness and frustration which can make the patient more prone to aggression. Therefore, professionals dealing with aggressive patients must be sensitive and empathetic to any environmental factors. ED nurses with greater than ten years experience are most prone to being the recipient of patient aggression. It is theorised that becoming accustomed to their daily routine has made ED nurses less sensitive and empathetic to specific patient needs and contributing to the environmental factors causing patient aggression.

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