


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:==踝关节扭伤的分类==踝关节扭伤可以根据各种分级系统进行分类,每种分级系统都有其特定的优点和缺点。治疗师根据患者的具体情况和他们的背景教育采用不同的系统,以实现有效的护理连续性。Lacerda D, Pacheco D, Rocha AT, Diniz P, Pedro I, Pinto FG。当前概念综述:急性踝关节外侧损伤分类系统的现状。[j] .中国足踝外科杂志,2016;32 (1):1 - 3. [/ref]用于对踝关节扭伤进行分类的分级系统之一侧重于单个韧带:* I级代表韧带轻微拉伸和纤维损伤* II级代表韧带部分撕裂* III级代表韧带完全断裂Bernstein J.肌肉骨骼医学。Rosemont, IL);美国骨科医师学会。2003。p.242。由于踝关节上有多条韧带,除非确定只有一条韧带受伤,否则使用用于描述单个韧带状态的分级系统可能并不总是直截了当的。因此,采用另一种基于韧带损伤数量的分级系统对踝关节扭伤进行分类。Gaebler C, Kukla C, Breitenseher MJ, Nellas ZJ, Mittlboeck M, Trattnig S, v csei V.对112名运动员踝关节外侧韧带损伤的诊断:距骨倾斜、MRI和手术表现的比较。 Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. 1997 Jan 1;68(3):286-90.. It is, however, hard to determine the exact number of ligaments torn unless there is a clear high quality radiographic imaging or surgical evidence. A different system which can be adopted is based on the severity of sprain injury: * Grade I: Mild impairment - Minimal swelling and tenderness with little impact on function * Grade II: Moderate impairment - Moderate swelling, pain and tenderness with decreased range of motion and ankle instability *Grade III: Severe impairment - Significant swelling, tenderness, loss of function and marked instabilityEncarnacion T. Ankle sprain. UConn Musculoskeletal Institute. Available from: https://health.uconn.edu/msi/clinical-services/orthopaedic-surgery/foot-ankle-and-podiatry/ankle-sprain/ (accessed 24/12/2022)

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