


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:===亚急性期===治疗应旨在改变训练条件并解决最终的生物力学异常。改变训练条件可使跑步距离、强度、频率和强度降低50%。建议避开山丘和凹凸不平的地面。*在康复期间,患者可以进行低冲击和交叉训练(如在健身器上跑步)。几周后,运动员可能会慢慢增加训练强度和持续时间,并在他们的康复计划中增加特定的运动,只要他们保持无痛。*可以引入拉伸和加强(偏心)小腿锻炼计划,以防止肌肉疲劳。杜根,王伟。[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17678759/]应力性骨折的康复治疗。[j]中华医学杂志,2007;18(3):391 - 391。(证据水平3A) Couture C, Karlson K. [https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3810/psm.2002.06.337&hl=en&sa=T&oi=gsb&ct=res&cd=0&d=9979500497343675539&ei=A-c0Y76OIoHeyQTv06PwDQ&scisig=AAGBfm1oGFVoivU0Ez5hJtHPoQEQiDgZbA胫骨应力损伤:“胫骨夹板”的决定性诊断和治疗]。体育学报。2002;30(6):29-36。(证据等级:3a)DeLee J, Drez D, Miller M. DeLee and Drez的骨科运动医学原理与实践。 Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. 2003:2155–2159.(Level of Evidence: 5) Patients may also benefit from [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Strength_Training strengthening] core hip muscles. Developing core stability with strong abdominal, gluteal, and hip muscles can improve running mechanics and prevent lower-extremity overuse injuries. * Proprioceptive [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Balance_Training balance training] is crucial in neuromuscular education. This can be done with a one-legged stand or balance board. Improved [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Proprioception proprioception] will increase the efficiency of joint and postural-stabilizing muscles and help the body react to running surface incongruities, also key in preventing re-injury. * Choosing good shoes with good shock absorption can help to prevent a new or re-injury. Therefore it is important to change the athlete's shoes every 250-500 miles, a distance at which most shoes lose up to 40% of their shock-absorbing capabilities.
In case of biomechanical problems of the foot, individuals may benefit from [[Introduction to Orthotics]]. An over-the-counter orthosis (flexible or semi-rigid) can help with excessive foot pronation and pes planus. A cast or a pneumatic brace can be necessary in severe cases. * [//m.houseofhawgs.com/Manual_Therapy Manual therapy] can be used to control several biomechanical abnormalities of the spine, sacro-illiacal joint and various muscle imbalances. They are often used to prevent relapsing to the old injury. * There is also acupuncture, ultrasound therapy injections and extracorporeal shock-wave therapy but their efficiency is not yet proved.

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