


您请求的操作仅限于组中的用户:检查因为高能创伤会损害主要器官系统,骨盆骨折的检查应该从危及生命的损伤开始。必须非常仔细地检查腹部、会阴、生殖器、直肠和下背部。 高能骨折常伴有其他器官的严重损伤。当排除危及生命的损伤时,检查应包括骨盆检查和触诊,以确定是否有肌痛并确定骨盆稳定性。有必要检查是否存在相关损伤。可能与骨盆损伤相关的损伤有:软组织损伤、尿道损伤、骨骼损伤、神经血管损伤和神经损伤。软组织损伤如血肿、擦伤和撕裂伤通常伴随骨盆环损伤。位于阴囊、阴唇、侧腹和腹股沟区域的血肿提示盆腔内出血。会阴、直肠和阴道的撕裂表明严重受伤,也可能表明尿液或粪便污染。 Ohmori et al. concluded that the risk factors for massive haemorrhage are: Lactate level, AO/OTA classification, and pelvic extravasation of contrast fluid on CT. They created a new effective predictive score of massive haemorrhage in pelvic ring fractures.  Pelvic fracture urethral injury is an uncommon but potentially devastating result of pelvic fracture. Symptoms of urethral injuries are blood at the external urethral meatus, a high-riding (non-palpable) prostate gland in man, and perineal and genital swelling. Pelvic fractures often are present with bladder disruptions. The disruption may be intraperitoneal, extraperitoneal, or both. In patients with a bladder disruption gross haematuria will be present.  Frequently pelvic fractures are associated with skeletal injuries. It is necessary that the clinician examines the spine and extremities. There could be limb length discrepancies, or internal/external rotational deformities. Because many structures transverse the pelvis, it is possible that a pelvic injury causes injury to a neurovascular structure. Vascular injuries occur more often than arterial injuries. Both may contribute to haemorrhage. A vascular injury is very urgent to treat.   Sometimes there will also be neurological injuries. The nerve roots that are typically injured are L5 and S1. Sometimes L4 (severe pelvic injury) or S2-S5 nerves (sacral injuries) can be damaged too. The clinician should carefully detect these nerve injuries by a neurological examination. [[File:Emergency-and-accident-sign1774530171.jpg|right|frameless|200x200px]]

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